
Panache MU* Client / News: Recent posts

Gnome 2 Port Complete

All current funcioning code has been ported to Gnome2. This has given us a chance to get the shell of an ANSI parsing engine into the core. It currently strips all ansi characters, but should soon be capable of actually displaying color.

Posted by Matthew Walker 2002-08-04


Please go fill out the survey to help me prioritize future features. I'm nearing the stage where I'll be able to start adding those kind of things, so I'd like to know what I should work on first.

Posted by Matthew Walker 2001-03-13

Making Progress...

Minus any help, I am slowly slogging my way through this code. I've got file loading working now, and should soon have file saving finished. At that point, I'm going to start work on network sockets. At that point, Panache will actually start to be functional! Hurrah! Make sure to go take a look at our rather small webpage at

Posted by Matthew Walker 2001-03-01

Gnome TinyFugue port seeking developers

Panache, a soon-to-be port of TinyFugue to Gnome is seeking 1 or 2 experienced Gnome developers to assist the creator with the project. He's new to Gnome programming, but quite willing to learn. Please visit and contact Matthew, if you're willing to be of assistance.

Posted by Matthew Walker 2000-12-01