
Tree [ba9959] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 cmake 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [926762] Add file missed in previous cmake related commit.
 conf 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [6b8233] Use full path in example commands
 doc 2014-05-10 danta danta [fcd915] bug #35 syntax corrections
 htdocs 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 CMakeLists.txt 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [56da6b] Update cmake files to use pkgconfig and allow s...
 Changelog.txt 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [ba9959] Add changes to the change log.
 README 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [ebead8] Bump version in README to make it clear this is...
 bdb.c 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [6dc1b6] Fix if bracketing
 bdb.h unknown
 config.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 config.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 dbfun.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 kc.c unknown
 kc.h unknown
 log.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 log.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 pam_abl.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 pam_abl.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 pam_abl.spec 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [1f63a5] Add example .spec file for building RPMs
 pam_functions.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 pam_functions.h unknown
 rule.c 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [9409ac] Fix implicit fallthrough
 rule.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test_abl.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test_config.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test_db.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test_pam_functions.c unknown
 test_rule.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 test_types.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 tools.c 2017-09-29 deksai deksai [ed7df3] Fix output for #34
 typefun.c 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.
 typefun.h 2013-08-31 deksai deksai [626c7c] Update the copyright date.

Read Me

Welcome to pam-abl.

1) Introduction
2) Building
3) Supported databases

1) Introduction
pam_abl is a pam module designed to automatically block hosts which are attempting a brute force attack. Brute force attacks are an unsophisticated way to find authentication credentials. Basically, a computer is setup to try all kinds of user names and password combinations until one works. It may sound fairly far fetched, but it does actually work. Many system accounts have common user names. Passwords are also easily guessable in many situations. 

The latest version is 0.9.0

This version add support for different database modules.  Berkeley DB has been moved into
a module, and Kyoto Cabinet has been added as an option.  Kyoto Cabinet has significantly
better performance.

2) Building
Please skim through CMakeLists.txt to get an idea of which variables can be set for library paths etc.

If you are not familiar with cmake, the basic steps are: 
a. Create a build directory. It can be within the sources.
      mkdir cmake_build
b. cd to that directory
      cd cmake_build
c. call cmake with as argument the top level project directory. This will generate a makefile.
      cmake ../
d. call make

The build process will make 3 targets:
a. The library ""
b. The commandline tool "pam-abl"
c. A test executable "pam-abl_test". Really handy for testing it with different db versions

!!! Building using different version of Berkeley db.
!!! See the build file "CMakeLists.txt" for more details.

3) Supported databases
The latest version of Kyoto Cabinet (1.2.76)

Currently pam-abl is tested with the following versions of Berkeley db:
 - db-5.3.15
 - db-5.2.42
 - db-5.1.25
 - db-4.8.30
 - db-4.7.25
 - db-4.6.21
 - db-4.5.20
 - db-4.4.20

Versions  <= 4.3 are currently no longer supported.