
RAPID - Paleomag and matRockmag software / News: Recent posts

Paleomag 2008 v.2.3.7

Try to click "open SAM file"...

Posted by Laurent Carporzen 2008-12-10

Paleomag 2008 v.2.3.6

Added in the Settings (in Magnetometer tab) the number of seconds the
system waits for the numbers to settle before taking a SQUID measurement (Read delay). Also, the IRM
& ARM acuisition board MCC parameters have been add in the Settings (in Modules tab). The RMG files
are created for all the measurements and possess new columns (Dec, Inc, CSD, remarks, etc.). In Set
Rock Mag Routine, a line could be edited (its values appear in the manual Set Step line) with a right
click on its #. New buttons in the AF Degausser window: we can add a delay between each axis ramp in
order to cool down them (or the sample) during high AF levels; new buttons allow manual AFs (amplitude
and sample height as inputs), this also able three axis high levels AF. The calibration of the rod
altitudes should now work on all systems (+ or - altitudes and/or UpDownMotor1cm) and could correct
the negative sample heights to a uniform convention of positive heights for all the consortium.

Posted by Laurent Carporzen 2007-12-11

matrockmag v.1.9

This is a major rewrite of much of the code, though from the standard rock mag user's viewpoint it should be almost identical. Code is slightly better documented, and the plotting function (RmgARMPlot, etc.), in addition to taking a Rmg structure as an input, can take as input the output of the data curve generating functions (RmgARMCurve, etc.).

Posted by Laurent Carporzen 2007-10-22

Paleomag 2007 v.2.3.0

The Paleomag control software gets a new year number and a new minor version number. The new version adds additional reporting information.

Posted by Bob Kopp 2007-02-13

Paleomag 2006 v.2.2.96

Paleomag 2006 v. 2.2.96 has been released. New features since version 2.2.92 include:

- Email notifications that properly identify current sample and step name.

- A quick and dirty VRM routine, accessible through the diagnostics menu.

- The ability to import rockmag routines from .RMG files.

- A rudimentary help file.

Posted by Bob Kopp 2006-11-21

Paleomag 2006 v. 2.2.92

I finally discovered the source of the two-year-old problem running Paleomag on Windows 2000 machines with Edgeport comm boxes: the frmDCMotors code employs the Break parameter, which apparently makes the motors non-communicable. (Somehow appropriate...)

Posted by Bob Kopp 2006-06-21