
Projects for PaintBox 1.07

Looking forward to the release of PaintBox 1.07 the following features are expected to be included:
    Modifications to the shape filling options found in the menu bar. (Dev. Version 1.06.01 and up)
    Ability to install multiple color pallets. (Dev. Version 1.06.04 and up)
    Tabbed panes on the shape details panel. (Dev. Version 1.06.02 and up)
    Verification of spellings throughout program. (Dev. Version 1.06.03 and up)
    Updates to program's code organization. (Dev. Version 1.06.05 and up)
    Ability to randomize points of Polygons and Polylines. (Dev. Version 1.06.06 and up)

Notice: This list may not include all features that will be added, and not all features listed may be included in the official release of 1.07.

Posted by acc240 2014-03-22

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