
PagePing / News: Recent posts

PagePing 0.9 (pre) Released

This release includes the addition of a feature to allow monitoring of pages that require cookies (by way of writing a CookieCollector plugin).
Also, some more finishing up and bug fixes.

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-03-06

PagePing 0.8(pre) released

The next installment, with almost a full set of basic features.
Feedback is gratefully received here, and via my email:-


Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-02-21

PagePing - more updates to CVS

More updates to the options code have gone in and the basics are in place.

Fixed the multiple selection mis-behaviour bug, and now thing work in a more logical way.

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-02-21

Progress towards next release 0.8 (pre)

Recently wrote a new version of the WarrenPageChangeHandler that gives PagePing HTML rather than text. This was to test PagePing's support for this and has lead to some significant changes meaning HTML will only be supported on versions after the upcoming 0.8 (pre).
Due to these changes, PagePings startup time has increased to ensure HTML support is loaded up front (rather than hanging for a noticable period the first time you try and open some HTML).... read more

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-02-04

PagePing 0.7(pre) released

This is the next pre-release installation.
If you spot any bugs etc, please feel free to report them (requires you register to sourceforge).

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-02-04

First signs of progress towards the next release (0.7 (pre))

- I have added support for saving list information as PagePing is closed (though this means changes are lost in the event of a crash, or a write failure).
- I have enhanced the options feature to load and save options from a file (pageping.cfg); although, still cannot edit options on the GUI. Again, a save on close policy is followed for options.

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-01-30

0.6 (pre) made available

Finally, much fiddling has resulted in the first pre-release version being let loose on the world.
Many, many issues exist with this version, not least:
- Does not save user changes to the list
- Does not save/log page changes
- Cannot set the URL of pages you add
- Menu items List->Import,List->Export do nothing
- Multiple selection doesn't work as expected on the list
- Options feature not completed... read more

Posted by Michael Tunnicliffe 2003-01-29