
Suggestion to change the position of the widgets in the widget tree

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-08-17

    Here I have the following problem:
    I have created some checkbuttons, then some labels. Then I created more checkbuttons.
    When I look at the widget tree, it has put everything on order: checkbuttons, labels, checkbuttons.
    But I would like to change the position of the labels and the checkbuttons, so I could have all the checkbuttons first, then the labels later.

    I would like to make a suggestion, if it were possible, to have a switch button on the widget tree. When you click on the switch button, you could change the position of some widgets on the widget tree, and then you could be happy with your new widgets organization on the widget tree!

    It would help a lot, because you can't always be sure about what you will put on the program, and then suddenly you encounter yourself on a situation that new widgets will be completely desorganized on the widget tree from the initial intended organization.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-07-09

    How did you ge the order thingy working? Did you modify the TCL file? Thanks!

  • Greg Walters

    Greg Walters - 2023-07-09

    When the user posted the request (August 2019) the current version of PAGE was 4.25. Today the current version is 7.6 and the Widget tree has matured quite a bit.

    Now the widgets are placed as to their parent(s). So it is much easier to see what widget is where.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-07-11

    Thanks for the clarification Greg!



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