Activity for PAGE

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Don is still convinced that a single widget or single container copy/paste is going to be your best bet. We might try to delve deeper into this in a later version of PAGE. However, right now, we are trying to get PAGE 8.1 ready for a release candidate, so there won't be anything happening in the near future. Sorry, Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello again. Sorry for the delay. Just got off conference with Don (again) and he still has no clue as to how that is happening. Neither he or I can duplicate the issue with any new project. That is using PAGE 8.0 as well as PAGE 8.1 test. The only thing I can suggest is that you try to create a new project and do a few widgets (as you did before) and see if it will duplicate for you. If so, please post the newer .tcl file. Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Back in PAGE 5.x, each Toplevel form was considered it's own Python program. So for each Toplevel form, you had three files. The .tcl file, the file and the file. In PAGE 8 (and PAGE 7), that changed. In the "newer" PAGE versions, you can have as many Toplevel forms as you want and there are only 3 files. The .tcl and the two .py files. You don't have to import each Toplevel PAGE files, that's all ready done for you by PAGE. It's extremely difficult to explain in a small form like...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There are about 20 different screens, ( some are pop up screens ,others are just changing to other screens)..The project has been using page since around 2020 (ver5.x). What changed with displaying TKINTER pages? Not sure I follow There is some backwards compatibility Now, I did have slight luck with: import newpopup as the_newpopup ......... ( & button callback: the_newpopup.newpopup_support.main() ...seems to bring up the popup w.overrideredirect(True) The screen...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What version is the "old" PAGE program? If you are trying to add a new toplevel window to a program from back around PAGE 6.x or earlier (and probably 7.x), you probably can't do it. There is some backwards compatibility but only a small amount. You would probably have better luck doing a borrow of the earlier Toplevel forms into a new (8.0) PAGE project, then you should have no problems adding new Toplevel forms to the new project. If you would like, you can always zip up the old .tcl file(s) and...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What version is the "old" PAGE program? If you are trying to add a new toplevel window to a program from back around PAGE 6.x or earlier (and probably 7.x), you probably can't do it. There is some backwards compatibility but only a small amount. You would probably have better luck doing a borrow of the earlier Toplevel forms into a new (8.0) PAGE project, then you should have no problems adding new Toplevel forms to the new project. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    By this new page, I mean when I press a button the new page should pop up on top of the current page, until the new page's exit button is pressed. I've always used def destroy_Toplevel1(): global w w.destroy() But this doesn't seem to exist now either??

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have a number of pages in my app developed over the past few years. I just created a new one to add to the mix however, when pushing a button trying to do create_Toplevel1, gives an error saying no such function exists (and this seems true) ...however if I look at my old files I DO see it (and it was/is still working) This is rather confusing.... this is from an old file def create_Toplevel1(rt, args, kwargs): '''Starting point when module is imported by another module. Correct form of call: 'create_Toplevel1(root,...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    yes, my main issue was not including w1 , just the name of the was initially confusing to me that it said it didn't know what that was this looks like some crazy sort of shell game global root root = tk.Tk() root.protocol( 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' , root.destroy) # Creates a toplevel widget. global _top1, _w1 _top1 = root _w1 = labeldemo.Toplevel1(_top1) root? Toplevel1? top1? _w1? ...why so many?

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Assuming your Toplevel is named , the main function in the support module will look something like this... def main(*args): '''Main entry point for the application.''' global root root = tk.Tk() root.protocol( 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' , root.destroy) # Creates a toplevel widget. global _top1, _w1 _top1 = root _w1 = labeldemo.Toplevel1(_top1) root.mainloop() Notice there is a _top1 alias that is set to root and a _w1 alias that points to that as well. To set the label in code you can do it one of two ways......

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ahh.... almost soon after I figured out there is an identifier added I was unaware of. _name = projectname.TopLevel1(_other name) so you need _name.lblMyLabe.... to do the job ...adding this"prefix""did the trick ...Actually I had already tried it, but had forgotten the underscore

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have a label set up in page, call it, lblMyLabel and in page it is preset to FREDDY and also has a string variable set up lblMyLabel_Var (and set to freddy) Ok, now in the SUPPORT file in a certain routine I want to change the var to sometimes show something else. I think like lblMyLabel_Var.set("LUCY") However in the routine I get NameError: name 'lblMyLabel_Var' is not defined So how do I change it to something from in a routine in my supportfile??

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, of course I tried building a few times to investigate what the issue was. But it can't ever run in the page "terminal" with the indent errors. Not sure what you mean by "all these problems" It is merely not indenting certain sections (as noted), other sections, such as support are indented fine Static hostname: raspberrypi Icon name: computer Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 5.10.63-v7+ Architecture: arm It is run from a python IDE, as it has been for a long time...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I truly do not understand why you are having all these problems. I also can not understand why you seem to refuse to provide the information in the simple requests that I made in my first response in this thread . So, I'll ask them again. Is this problem repeatable. I'm guessing the answer is no, since the other two issue reports you have made said nothing of this problem. In fact, no one has reported this problem is over 10 months of PAGE 8.0. But, i'll try to keep an open mind. Second. What operating...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    *** /usr/bin/env python3 coding: utf-8 -- Support module generated by PAGE version 8.0 in conjunction with Tcl version 8.6 Oct 05, 2024 01:22:36 AM EDT platform: Linux* for support file example it will create if name == 'main': pinpad.start_up() with no indent of pinpad also in support, no indent def main(*args): '''Main entry point for the application.''' global root root = tk.Tk() root.protocol( 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' , root.destroy) etc Other items in both files ARE indented when generated by page...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is this repeatable? What Operating system are you using? Would you zip the .tcl file and attach it so I can try to figure out what's happening? Sincerely, Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    the page 8.0 generated file is not indenting (the def) or top.geom in def, and thus causing an error class Toplevel1: def init(self, top=None): '''This class configures and populates the toplevel window. top is the toplevel containing window.''' top.geometry("757x516+184+84")

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Again, Don said that it's a VisualTcl thing. I will be talking to him again next week, so I will try to ask again. On Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 5:17 PM wrote: by the way for paste...why couldn't a varable be set to indicate what is to be copied (but not do the copying). Then whenever you hit paste it uses the variable to make the copy and do the paste. And if you hit paste again it does the same thing. So paste actually does both the actual copy and paste, though you don't know...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    by the way for paste...why couldn't a varable be set to indicate what is to be copied (but not do the copying). Then whenever you hit paste it uses the variable to make the copy and do the paste. And if you hit paste again it does the same thing. So paste actually does both the actual copy and paste, though you don't know it.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    One thing i noticed is i got some kind of erorrs and thought page was locked up, but it was just waiting for me to click ok (or something). However the ok panel was hidden under some other layers of page and couldn't be seen....maybe a way to force any such messgae to be on the top layer?? Otherwise it gives the impression page is locked out, until you can find the hidden message

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, the Stash Config feature is VERY VERY powerful. Especially with the standard Tk widgets. It works with the ttk Themed widgets as well, but many of the Attributes are missing from them since the Theme takes care of almost all of the missing ones and it is VERY difficult to override a theme, but it can be done. Remember that almost every Tk widget that has text also has a xpad and ypad. This is useful if you need extra space on the right and left or top and bottom of the text, to make it look...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    THANKS for the tip and thorough explanation! I didn't know about it yet ---that seems more powerful than what I even hoped for.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    One thing I can suggest, however, is something that I do. Assume I have a number of labels that I want to have almost the same. All of them need to be one above the other. I place a Frame (or a TFrame). Then I place my first label at the top of the frame. I then set ALL the attributes that I need for that particular frame, including text, text variable, width, height, relief, background colour and foreground colour and so on. I then pick the rest of the labels, one at a time from the toolbox. (That's...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry, but paste is limited to a single time. You have to Copy then paste, then copy again then paste again. I have asked Don about this before and he said this was because of a limitation of VTcl. Sorry. The closest thing I can offer is that once you get the gui made, if you need it again, you can borrow the entire thing from the original project and paste it into the new project. That way you don't have to recreate the painful project.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I did get with Don yesterday. I also sent him your .tcl file. Yes, we know. Entering a coordinate should use THAT coordinate. We are in the middle of trying to get the menuing system re-written, so that is taking priority. Don said he would try to look at it as soon as he could. I think I said somewhere along this thread that if and when a fix is made, it won't come out until PAGE version 8.1 at the earliest. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I made a label that I need to make about 9 of (with minor edits later), so I copied then pasted, ok I got ONE copy, but when I past again I get nothing. I want to paste paste paste..., and not have to copy every single time...can that be done?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Did anyone figure out what the problem is? Did Don have any inkling? Again, entering a coordinate should use THAT coordinate, not override and change it to some other numbers.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The .cget("desired parameter") seems handy to get any aspect of the button object---its text, its bg color, repeat rate, whatever you want. You can also set the parameter which I do in some cases (such as to disable a button under program control). This was my first tkinter program & first page program, so it might have some wackiness!

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ahhh. Ok.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Greg: The program lambda has been working for a long time, This example was something I whittled down for you. It uses some calls to extract the button's every call is the same def cb_capt_keypad(p1): try: print("cb_keypad click") if not root == root.focus_get(): ** thekey = p1.widget.cget("text") ** if thekey=="MISC": return print("key now: ", thekey) theKeyState = p1.widget.cget("state") print("keystate:", theKeyState) wid = root.focus_get() if thekey=='.' and '.' in wid.get():return...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I noticed there seems to be this hidden delta. Type in 14 get 16,type in 20 get 22, type in 100 get 102. But the delta is not always 2 , could be 3, maybe others. I realize now I could have accounted for that oddball when typing my values....except SOME buttons do take the value exactly ...some do, some don't. As soon as you use the arrow keys on a button,the delta becomes zero!!!!! YAY!!! Why????????????? Maybe some of my buttons got arrowed, without me they go exactly where I type,...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I do have an observation. In your problem demonstration file, I noticed that for almost all of your buttons, you use bind instead of command. While the bind command is pretty much the command on steroids, your setting to the callback function for all the "numbered" buttons is the same... lambda e:problem_support.cb_capt_keypad(e) I'm guessing that the idea behind using the lambda support for the callback is to be able to know what button raised the event. I'm sure you were just in the middle of your...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm just glad that we've finally on a road to getting this figured out and fixed.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Greg, I'll give a shot.. I'm mostly ok now knowing you can use the arrow buttons to fine to exact position rather thn typing numbers. I spent hours and hours and hours typing values, only to get wavy rows or columns of buttons ...maybe 5 in a row would be fines, then the 6th wouldn't position as expected, or they were good horz, but then were wavy columnwise. All that typing for nothing.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Please download the "" file. This is NOT a fix, but simply a way to quickly align a number of widgets using the existing Multiselect function of PAGE. In the zip file is the original .tcl issue file, a version of the fixed file, a number of screen captures and a PDF file explaining how to use the Multiselect/Context menu. I sincerely hope this helps, at least in the sort term. Crazy Uncle Greggie

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Since this is a newly found issue (thank you again), I'm in the process of a workaround that, while not solving the issue, will allow for the user to align widgets fairly quickly. Please check back in an hour or so. Crazy Uncle Greggie

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Very interesting. Yes, I see what you are saying. I'll bring it up to Don on tomorrow's call. Thank you

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is a problem.tcl open it (using page ver 8) it i s set to ABSolute method look at button zero Y value it is 14 look at button one Y value is not lined up with button zero, since its Y value is 16 Type in 14 for the Y value so it will match button zero...IT CHANGES RIGHT BACK TO 16, IGNORING YOUR ENTRY WHY?????????????????????????????????? However then use the arrow keys to move it exactly...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I do have a conference call with Don tomorrow and I know that he monitors this forum fairly closely. I'll make sure that this is brought up and see if he can remember if there were any reports of this that I'm not aware of. In addition, he does have a Mac, so he could check that to see if it might be an issue on that platform. If I find anything, I'll be sure to let you know.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, I've never seen this happen, and as far as I know you are the only one that it is happening to. I have PAGE working on a Linux PC as well as Windows 10 and Windows 11. No one else has even suggested that this is an issue. I think you might want to reset the grid preference back to 10, which is the default. Many years ago, I did see that when the grid pref was set to such a low value (even at 3-7) there were issues, but I don't remember what the issues were. Sorry.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    what the issue is and I can show you how you might want to handle it. I've already said it...when you type in x or y the value IMMEDATELY changes to something else ...type in say 204 and it changes to maybe 207, rejecting 204. But the copy of the button next to it accepts it fine...this is even AFTER changing PAGE's control setting from the original relative to absolute mode. Also the grid pref is set to 1. But if you use the arrows to set it, then it will accept the numbers correctly even if you...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, I'm glad that you got it somewhat working. I still suggest that you take advantage of the PAGE Discord forum. Being the guy that set the thing up, I can use a voice/video channel and (assuming you have a microphone) we can chat and share our screens so you can show me what the issue is and I can show you how you might want to handle it. By the way, 50+ buttons, while doable in PAGE is really pushing the limit. There are ways around dealing with that, but it takes A LOT of time, pre-planning...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is truly something ODD with Page!! First off, I can use the arrow keys to get the exact X& Y I want GREAT!!!!!!!!! Thereafter if I drag it faraway and type in the xy coordinates, it goes exactly where it should. However if I don't FIRST use the arrow keys, it does this oddball slightly off coordinates (type 187 get 184). SOMEHOW THE ARROW KEY IS "FIXING" SOMETHING At least with the arrow keys I don't need to scrap all of my buttons--thanks!!!!!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I found that if instead of using the present "old buttons" in ABS mode and moving them (as noted above, wrongly)...if I delete them all and make fresh copies, then THEY MOVE WHERE THEY SHOULD....why? This is a big mess, since I already have more than 50 buttons in my grid and each will need a new name and var name retyped....arrrrrrrg ...isthere a way to avoid deleteing alll of the previous work?

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm not sure what is going "wrong". Maybe you should go to the Discord forum and we can talk in a private message so I can understand what is happening on your end. I've got some errands to run in a little bit, but should be available in a few hours. Look for "thedesignatedgeek1953". It could be that if you are using the Attributes editor, you are entering the information into the relx/rely entry boxes rather than in the x/y boxes. A VERY easy mistake. You can use the keyboard arrows to move things...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for venting I am just trying to make sure things line up .say I want buttons at (150, 248) (200, 248), (250, 248) (300,248) ...etc...Then one copied button refuses to line up & sits at (200, 244) & refuses to move to the same location as the others...ruining the alignment ...WHY?? Or why do all the others on both sides of it line up perfectly?? The buttons are all copies ...the only difference between them is coordinates. The screen size will never be changed. Now if you click on the word "Relative"...

  • Rob Rob modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are very welcome, Greg, and thank you. I too understand the frustration experienced when one is trying to get to grips with something as technically advanced as PAGE. It's all to easy for one to blame the Software, rather than to have to come to terms with the fact that the real issue is, that one lacks the required skills. That kind of insight requires some personnel growth, on behalf of the user, and we can only hope that this particular user, is big enough to take on board what I have said....

  • Rob Rob posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are very welcome, Greg, and thank you. I too understand the frustration experienced when one is trying to get to grips with something technically advanced as PAGE. It's all to easy for one to blame the Software, rather than to have to come to terms with the fact that the real issue is, that one lacks the required skills. That kind of insight requires some personnel growth, on behalf of the user, and we can only hope that this particular user, is big enough to take on board what I have said. Once...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    THANK YOU, Rob. Believe me when I say, I understand the frustration that Mr. or Ms. Anonymous feels. It took me a long time to figure out the difference between the Absolute and Relative modes that PAGE provides. Admittedly, the placement of Widgets is a subject that can take a long time to understand. Don has attempted to document this in the PAGE help file ( /page/docs/html/use.html#relative-placement ), but it's a rather academic discussion and not designed for new users who have no clue how Tcl/Tk/Tkinter/Python/Ruby/Perl...

  • Rob Rob posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    T.b.h with you, you're being extremely disrespectful to the very people who give their time, to bring you (us all, in fact) the software that you're trying to use, while asking for nothing in return. If you want some help, all you need to do is to ask for it, and Greg will reply just as soon as he can. He asks nothing of you, in exchange for his in depth knowledge and experience. In fact, I've even known him to continue to help those who don't even have the common decency to thank him, which make...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. I'm going to put on my teacher sweater and tennis shoes, like Mr. Rogers and give you a BUNCH of information first. I'm fairly certain you don't know the background and underlying "science" behind the issue you are having. Please read all of the information that I am going to provide and then I'll provide what I think the issue is that you are dealing with and how to "work around it". First, let me say that yes, there are some positioning issues in PAGE, but this is partially due to Tcl/Tk and...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What the HELL is wrong with page???? I need to position some items exactly. I type in the EXACT COORDINTATE I NEED BUT PAGE REFUSES IT AND CHANGES IT for example i need a button at X=203, y=674 but page changes my entries to something else, say 208 and 672, or some bs. I tried setting the grid in preferences to 1 , but no difference. Is page ver 8 positioning really this crappy??? I DON'TWANT PAGE TO CHANGE THE COORDINATES I PROVIDE

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    One other thought. This will often happen if you have a dialog open. It could be the Support Console asking if you want to overwrite the existing file, or an error dialog. It's very possible the dialog is hidden by another window on your screen. Worst case, close the terminal you used to start PAGE. Did you read the .PDF named "How To Start PAGE" in the /docs/How To Start PAGE folder of your PAGE distribution? If you are running WIndows, did you start PAGE from the desktop Icon? Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Sean, Would it be possible for you to zip up the .tcl file and upload it here? In addition, what operating system are you running and which version of PAGE are you using? Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Sean Sean posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have created my first GUI using page. I have saved the project and then tried to quit and the response is always "Your application may have unsaved changes. Do you wish to save?" Regardless of whether I click Yes or No the application does not exit. SEAN JORGENSEN-DAY B-Eng, TFIEAust, CEngT, EngExec, NER, IntET(Aus) KelvinTech Pty Ltd +61 429 805 137

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    YES!!! PAGE is still under active development! What you are seeing is the lack of issues that PAGE 8.0 currently has (at least from a user standpoint). PAGE 8.1 is currently in a closed alpha development state. We are working hard on the changes for 8.1. We are still a while from being able to release 8.1, but we are working hard on it. We also have a discord channel that some people use instead of the "normal" discussion forums here. We have people on the discord forum that actively monitor and...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    no discussion since March--it is almost July? Wondering if page is still active

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you use the colour dialog, you can misspell all you want. That won't cause PAGE a problem.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That is a known bug (same as misspelling) that we are working on. That will be fixed in PAGE 8.1 Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Entering a garbage string in the background color also is not handled gracefully: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name "fjhghjghj" Error in bgerror: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name "fjhghjghj" Error in bgerror: window name "err_top" already exists in parent There is a pop-up error message window if dismissed multiple time leads to same issue as the missing font window not rendering, and causing PAGE application...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No. Don't use quotes. That definitely will cause PAGE to crash. Either use a hex value (#d9d9d9) or a colour name without quotes (like cornsilk3 or skyblue2). There are a TONNE of colour names. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I tried out the colour configuration window also for the Top-level background color change. I could crash page if one specifies color in quote in the text field. Here's a snippet for the error encountered: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name ""blue"" Error in bgerror: window name "err_top" already exists in parent After which the page application crashes/closes. And when recovering from the saved file leads to corrupt project.tcl file or lost progress.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    AWESOME! Well, test it for a day or two and if you have any further issues, please let me know. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This seems to be working at-least the font selection and configuration window is visible.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    We MIGHT have an answer for the font picker issue. Please download the attached zip file. Unzip it into the page distribution /page/lib . Then restart PAGE and give it a try. Please let me know if it works and if it makes a difference for the colour issue. Greg and Don

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you! We'll keep working to figure this crazy issue out! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Also, I'm assuming that you are running GNOME in your Fedora workstation. Correct? Yes It is a GNOME system. I will try on another system will post any other observations

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, if the dialogs (colour, font, etc.) aren't closing correctly, that would explain why the .tcl project file would get screwed up. When the Font dialog doesn't show up, PAGE is assuming it is is open, thus causing the "hang" in the window. I have tried a few times with the Colour dialog, but not multiple times. I'll try concentrating on that. All of this works fine on Mac, Windows 10 and 11 and Debian based Linux OS. As I said yesterday, this is the first time we've had anyone say they are using...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am using Tk Widgets only. I am yet to explore the other available widgets. Also I'm assuming that you are getting the colour dialog when you click on the background color button with the three dots, correct? Yes I am using the three dots button to open the colour dialog. I also tried entering a bad colour name through the entry box, it would work the first time, till the time the project is open. But when I had to close and re-open the same project, it would loose the complete context for the top-level...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you say you are not selecting any Widget Configuration, I'm not sure that you and I are on the same page. Selecting a widget is done using the Widget Toolbar usually on the left side of the screen. There are three "sections". Tk Widgets, Themed widgets and Enhanced widgets. The Themed widgets USUALLY don't have any font or colour options. Those are taken care of by the Theme. Also I'm assuming that you are getting the colour dialog when you click on the background color button with the three...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not selecting any Widget Configuration assuming it is Standard by default. Theme is also set to default, as I am currently exploring PAGE to create light-weight GUI applications. The issue I am facing is while entering a text based color option in the Attribute Editor window. It is causing the top-level GUI layout to not render correctly the next time I am loading the project, sometimes the other top-level frames I have created for the applications do not even render correctly, it seems as if...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am able run this example without any issues.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another question (grasping at straws)... When you are trying to set the background colour for widgets (not Toplevel) are you using the "Standard" widgets or the Ttk Themed widgets? I have no problem setting the colour via the dialog for the Standard Tk widgets. Also, what is the theme you are using? This can be found in the PAGE main window, the dropdown just to the left of the "Relative"/"Absolute" button. By default it should be set to "default". Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I threw together a small demo program that uses the Tk Fontchooser. Could you give it a try and let me know if there are any errors with it? This might help us narrow the font dialog issue. I'l start looking into the colour issues shortly. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Both, but it has somewhat a similar issue. If the color window is not closed cleanly, it would cause a similar failure as with the font customization. It would cause the page main window to not respond to any UI elements, and am unable to save the project and quit safely.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I didn't see the colour issue in my limited testing. Was it a Toplevel or a widget you were trying to change the colour of? Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the update. Yes, I am using the Fedora 39 Workstation. I am just curious about the project file corruption issue while trying to update the background color. I would probably stay away from such customization's, as it means loosing progress on a big design.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've gotten a VERY base Fedora 39 workstation up and running. I got Python 3.12.2 running with Tkinter and PAGE 8.0 installed. I got the same error message that you did when I tried to edit the font on a standard Tk Button. So, now I have to go back to Don and find out what he thinks is causing it to crash. Hang in there. Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm assuming it's Fedora 39 workstation, correct?

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for the quick responses. I can't ever remember anyone mentioning that they were running Fedora, but that could just be my old brain. I run Linux Mint and have run it under Ubuntu and never had any problems. I'll try to get a Fedora instance running in my Virtual box and test it out. Give me a day or two and I'll get back to you. Yes, please any other comments or observations would be welcome! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It seems to be quite a fragile application. I was trying out the color options to change font/background color, and it seems to have completely corrupted the tcl project file. I have seem to lost all progress on the GUI design I was working with and am currently unable to recover the layout even from the backup files. Will try more and add comments, and share my observations.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's Fedora 39. Python 3.12.2 Page 8.0 I have also attached the project tcl file for the same. This seems to be a common issue with windows rendered with either font selection/color selection. It the window is being rendered I am unable to locate it in the desktop. Which is causing the main window of PAGE to not close cleanly, and have to kill the application.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Could you tell me what version of Linux you are using (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) What version of PAGE are you using? Could you provide a copy of the project .tcl file? Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am facing a strange issue while trying to change fonts rendered on the buttons using the Attribute configuration window. I have added a simple button to the GUI Top frame, and while trying to change the font on the button. Receiving the following log output on the Linux Terminal. dpr: ::SelectFont::create: bg = #d9d9d9, fg = #000000, But I do not observe any font manager GUI pop-up window being rendered. When trying to launch the font configuration option from the Attribute Window a second...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello David. First, allow me to thank you for signing in to Sourceforge. It certainly is easier to refer to a user's name rather than "Hello Anonymous". Doesn't have the same ring to it. Seconly, Thank you for the kind words about V8 and "comeing back to the fold". :o) Now to your question. I guess it really depends on what calls you need to make. PAGE uses the following command to start up when running the file... where 'cmd' is cmd = "source {" + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p),...

  • David Goadby David Goadby posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I need to make a few direct Tkinter calls. Providing I keep them away from the "untouchable" files are there any restrictions? At first glance I didn't think so but it seems prudent to ask before starting the work. Oh, I have now upgrade to V8 and am much impressed! More donations will follow. I have to admit to doing a couple of quick projects using PySimpleGui. However, they have just altered their licencing model and it is $99/year if you want to monetize your software that uses it. I'm not averse...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Better to use... @start /min py "" %1 %2 %3

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @start /min python "" %1 %2 %3

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm glad it worked for you! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Problem Solved. I changed python3 to py like you sugessted. I wasnt aware of it :-) THank you

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Greg. Thank you very much for creating such useful GUI designer which is in my point of view 10 times better than QT Design studio. Anyway, I just want to mention that I did everything like you suggested but PAGE still not willing to start. It was working perfectly on Windows 10 but not in Windows 11. On Windows 11, PAGE doesn't start, any suggestion Please? Thank you!!

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you are having issues starting PAGE in Windows, I believe we have a simple change that should take care of your issues. First, try the following command in a command prompt. py -V This will start Python using the Windows Python Launcher and request the version of the default Python instance. If it comes back with something like Python 3.12.1 You are good to go. Now edit the page.bat file and change the command to @start /min py "" %1 %2 %3 Save the file and (just to be safe) reboot...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well you don't need them, unless you really want to get deep into Tk programming, but it's totally another world. Concentrate on Python and Tkinter. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Tcl and tk came with Python. There was an option to include these in the installation.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, since you can get IDLE to run (it's written in Tkinter), you probably will get everything working.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You said, I had to copy tcl8.6 and tk8.6 folders to Lib folder under Python in order to get the tkinter work in Python Where did you get tcl and tk from and why? Like I said, I haven't downloaded anything. Then where did tcl and tk come from. Tcl isn't a "normal" package that Windows would use.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Greg and thank you for all the effort. I got frustrated and uninstalled Python and PAGE and Visual Studio Code alltogether, restarted the computer and reinstalled Python. The first thing to do was try to open IDLE and since it didn't run, I did some researching. The environment variable TCL_LIBRARY was pointing to another application and when I changed that to point into the Python tcl8.6 -folder I was able to start IDLE. Then I tried to run the Python code I had made with tkinter. Previously...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    since is a python file you must start it by calling python with the filename you want to run. python Give that a try. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Like I said, I haven't downloaded anything. When I installed the Python the only thing I made was copy the tcl and tk folders from tcl to Lib in order to get the tkinter to work. Here's what command prompt showed: D:\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\Tkinter_Grid1> D:\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\Tkinter_Grid1> [main 2024-01-17T09:42:35.475Z] update#setState idle [main 2024-01-17T09:42:37.583Z] WSL is not installed, so could not detect WSL profiles [main 2024-01-17T09:43:05.486Z] update#setState checking for updates [main...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. That is really pointing (in my mind) a messed up Python install. When you just open the python interactive shell and type import tkinter, it should look something like this... python Python 3.11.4 (main, Dec 6 2023, 09:11:25) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import tkinter >>> You shouldn't really "see" anything if it works. You should not EVER have to download Tcl to get Tkinter to work. It's part of Python (and is distributed with...

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