Activity for PAGE

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    One other thought. This will often happen if you have a dialog open. It could be the Support Console asking if you want to overwrite the existing file, or an error dialog. It's very possible the dialog is hidden by another window on your screen. Worst case, close the terminal you used to start PAGE. Did you read the .PDF named "How To Start PAGE" in the /docs/How To Start PAGE folder of your PAGE distribution? If you are running WIndows, did you start PAGE from the desktop Icon? Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Sean, Would it be possible for you to zip up the .tcl file and upload it here? In addition, what operating system are you running and which version of PAGE are you using? Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Sean Sean posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have created my first GUI using page. I have saved the project and then tried to quit and the response is always "Your application may have unsaved changes. Do you wish to save?" Regardless of whether I click Yes or No the application does not exit. SEAN JORGENSEN-DAY B-Eng, TFIEAust, CEngT, EngExec, NER, IntET(Aus) KelvinTech Pty Ltd +61 429 805 137

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    YES!!! PAGE is still under active development! What you are seeing is the lack of issues that PAGE 8.0 currently has (at least from a user standpoint). PAGE 8.1 is currently in a closed alpha development state. We are working hard on the changes for 8.1. We are still a while from being able to release 8.1, but we are working hard on it. We also have a discord channel that some people use instead of the "normal" discussion forums here. We have people on the discord forum that actively monitor and...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    no discussion since March--it is almost July? Wondering if page is still active

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you use the colour dialog, you can misspell all you want. That won't cause PAGE a problem.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That is a known bug (same as misspelling) that we are working on. That will be fixed in PAGE 8.1 Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Entering a garbage string in the background color also is not handled gracefully: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name "fjhghjghj" Error in bgerror: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name "fjhghjghj" Error in bgerror: window name "err_top" already exists in parent There is a pop-up error message window if dismissed multiple time leads to same issue as the missing font window not rendering, and causing PAGE application...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No. Don't use quotes. That definitely will cause PAGE to crash. Either use a hex value (#d9d9d9) or a colour name without quotes (like cornsilk3 or skyblue2). There are a TONNE of colour names. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I tried out the colour configuration window also for the Top-level background color change. I could crash page if one specifies color in quote in the text field. Here's a snippet for the error encountered: bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: unknown color name ""blue"" Error in bgerror: window name "err_top" already exists in parent After which the page application crashes/closes. And when recovering from the saved file leads to corrupt project.tcl file or lost progress.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    AWESOME! Well, test it for a day or two and if you have any further issues, please let me know. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This seems to be working at-least the font selection and configuration window is visible.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    We MIGHT have an answer for the font picker issue. Please download the attached zip file. Unzip it into the page distribution /page/lib . Then restart PAGE and give it a try. Please let me know if it works and if it makes a difference for the colour issue. Greg and Don

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you! We'll keep working to figure this crazy issue out! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Also, I'm assuming that you are running GNOME in your Fedora workstation. Correct? Yes It is a GNOME system. I will try on another system will post any other observations

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, if the dialogs (colour, font, etc.) aren't closing correctly, that would explain why the .tcl project file would get screwed up. When the Font dialog doesn't show up, PAGE is assuming it is is open, thus causing the "hang" in the window. I have tried a few times with the Colour dialog, but not multiple times. I'll try concentrating on that. All of this works fine on Mac, Windows 10 and 11 and Debian based Linux OS. As I said yesterday, this is the first time we've had anyone say they are using...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am using Tk Widgets only. I am yet to explore the other available widgets. Also I'm assuming that you are getting the colour dialog when you click on the background color button with the three dots, correct? Yes I am using the three dots button to open the colour dialog. I also tried entering a bad colour name through the entry box, it would work the first time, till the time the project is open. But when I had to close and re-open the same project, it would loose the complete context for the top-level...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you say you are not selecting any Widget Configuration, I'm not sure that you and I are on the same page. Selecting a widget is done using the Widget Toolbar usually on the left side of the screen. There are three "sections". Tk Widgets, Themed widgets and Enhanced widgets. The Themed widgets USUALLY don't have any font or colour options. Those are taken care of by the Theme. Also I'm assuming that you are getting the colour dialog when you click on the background color button with the three...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not selecting any Widget Configuration assuming it is Standard by default. Theme is also set to default, as I am currently exploring PAGE to create light-weight GUI applications. The issue I am facing is while entering a text based color option in the Attribute Editor window. It is causing the top-level GUI layout to not render correctly the next time I am loading the project, sometimes the other top-level frames I have created for the applications do not even render correctly, it seems as if...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am able run this example without any issues.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another question (grasping at straws)... When you are trying to set the background colour for widgets (not Toplevel) are you using the "Standard" widgets or the Ttk Themed widgets? I have no problem setting the colour via the dialog for the Standard Tk widgets. Also, what is the theme you are using? This can be found in the PAGE main window, the dropdown just to the left of the "Relative"/"Absolute" button. By default it should be set to "default". Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I threw together a small demo program that uses the Tk Fontchooser. Could you give it a try and let me know if there are any errors with it? This might help us narrow the font dialog issue. I'l start looking into the colour issues shortly. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Both, but it has somewhat a similar issue. If the color window is not closed cleanly, it would cause a similar failure as with the font customization. It would cause the page main window to not respond to any UI elements, and am unable to save the project and quit safely.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I didn't see the colour issue in my limited testing. Was it a Toplevel or a widget you were trying to change the colour of? Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the update. Yes, I am using the Fedora 39 Workstation. I am just curious about the project file corruption issue while trying to update the background color. I would probably stay away from such customization's, as it means loosing progress on a big design.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've gotten a VERY base Fedora 39 workstation up and running. I got Python 3.12.2 running with Tkinter and PAGE 8.0 installed. I got the same error message that you did when I tried to edit the font on a standard Tk Button. So, now I have to go back to Don and find out what he thinks is causing it to crash. Hang in there. Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm assuming it's Fedora 39 workstation, correct?

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for the quick responses. I can't ever remember anyone mentioning that they were running Fedora, but that could just be my old brain. I run Linux Mint and have run it under Ubuntu and never had any problems. I'll try to get a Fedora instance running in my Virtual box and test it out. Give me a day or two and I'll get back to you. Yes, please any other comments or observations would be welcome! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It seems to be quite a fragile application. I was trying out the color options to change font/background color, and it seems to have completely corrupted the tcl project file. I have seem to lost all progress on the GUI design I was working with and am currently unable to recover the layout even from the backup files. Will try more and add comments, and share my observations.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's Fedora 39. Python 3.12.2 Page 8.0 I have also attached the project tcl file for the same. This seems to be a common issue with windows rendered with either font selection/color selection. It the window is being rendered I am unable to locate it in the desktop. Which is causing the main window of PAGE to not close cleanly, and have to kill the application.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Could you tell me what version of Linux you are using (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) What version of PAGE are you using? Could you provide a copy of the project .tcl file? Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am facing a strange issue while trying to change fonts rendered on the buttons using the Attribute configuration window. I have added a simple button to the GUI Top frame, and while trying to change the font on the button. Receiving the following log output on the Linux Terminal. dpr: ::SelectFont::create: bg = #d9d9d9, fg = #000000, But I do not observe any font manager GUI pop-up window being rendered. When trying to launch the font configuration option from the Attribute Window a second...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello David. First, allow me to thank you for signing in to Sourceforge. It certainly is easier to refer to a user's name rather than "Hello Anonymous". Doesn't have the same ring to it. Seconly, Thank you for the kind words about V8 and "comeing back to the fold". :o) Now to your question. I guess it really depends on what calls you need to make. PAGE uses the following command to start up when running the file... where 'cmd' is cmd = "source {" + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p),...

  • David Goadby David Goadby posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I need to make a few direct Tkinter calls. Providing I keep them away from the "untouchable" files are there any restrictions? At first glance I didn't think so but it seems prudent to ask before starting the work. Oh, I have now upgrade to V8 and am much impressed! More donations will follow. I have to admit to doing a couple of quick projects using PySimpleGui. However, they have just altered their licencing model and it is $99/year if you want to monetize your software that uses it. I'm not averse...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Better to use... @start /min py "" %1 %2 %3

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @start /min python "" %1 %2 %3

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm glad it worked for you! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Problem Solved. I changed python3 to py like you sugessted. I wasnt aware of it :-) THank you

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Greg. Thank you very much for creating such useful GUI designer which is in my point of view 10 times better than QT Design studio. Anyway, I just want to mention that I did everything like you suggested but PAGE still not willing to start. It was working perfectly on Windows 10 but not in Windows 11. On Windows 11, PAGE doesn't start, any suggestion Please? Thank you!!

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you are having issues starting PAGE in Windows, I believe we have a simple change that should take care of your issues. First, try the following command in a command prompt. py -V This will start Python using the Windows Python Launcher and request the version of the default Python instance. If it comes back with something like Python 3.12.1 You are good to go. Now edit the page.bat file and change the command to @start /min py "" %1 %2 %3 Save the file and (just to be safe) reboot...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well you don't need them, unless you really want to get deep into Tk programming, but it's totally another world. Concentrate on Python and Tkinter. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Tcl and tk came with Python. There was an option to include these in the installation.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, since you can get IDLE to run (it's written in Tkinter), you probably will get everything working.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You said, I had to copy tcl8.6 and tk8.6 folders to Lib folder under Python in order to get the tkinter work in Python Where did you get tcl and tk from and why? Like I said, I haven't downloaded anything. Then where did tcl and tk come from. Tcl isn't a "normal" package that Windows would use.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Greg and thank you for all the effort. I got frustrated and uninstalled Python and PAGE and Visual Studio Code alltogether, restarted the computer and reinstalled Python. The first thing to do was try to open IDLE and since it didn't run, I did some researching. The environment variable TCL_LIBRARY was pointing to another application and when I changed that to point into the Python tcl8.6 -folder I was able to start IDLE. Then I tried to run the Python code I had made with tkinter. Previously...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    since is a python file you must start it by calling python with the filename you want to run. python Give that a try. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Like I said, I haven't downloaded anything. When I installed the Python the only thing I made was copy the tcl and tk folders from tcl to Lib in order to get the tkinter to work. Here's what command prompt showed: D:\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\Tkinter_Grid1> D:\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\Tkinter_Grid1> [main 2024-01-17T09:42:35.475Z] update#setState idle [main 2024-01-17T09:42:37.583Z] WSL is not installed, so could not detect WSL profiles [main 2024-01-17T09:43:05.486Z] update#setState checking for updates [main...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. That is really pointing (in my mind) a messed up Python install. When you just open the python interactive shell and type import tkinter, it should look something like this... python Python 3.11.4 (main, Dec 6 2023, 09:11:25) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import tkinter >>> You shouldn't really "see" anything if it works. You should not EVER have to download Tcl to get Tkinter to work. It's part of Python (and is distributed with...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry not to be precise. Just to clarify: I removed the tcl and tk folders and did all the things mentioned above without the tcl and tk folders anywhere near the Python (they are in a safe place) and haven't put them back yet. I mentioned above that "I copied the tcl and tk folders in..." and meant that this copying was done way back when I first struggled with the tkinter in the first place, not today. So I still have the tcl and tk folders somewhere safe, not under Python.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Greg. Unfortunately no good. I moved all the Tcl and Tk folders that were located in Python folders (they were in .../Python312/tcl and also in .../Python312/Lib where I copied them). In command prompt I got out nothing special: python -V produced "Python 3.12.1", then python started the Python normally. Perhasp I didn't quite follow the "try import tkinter" you suggested but tried anyways these: I typed "import tkinter" which resulted nothing, no errors, no action, then "try import tkinter"...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are very welcome. Since PAGE relys on tkinter, I think that is the place to look. Please try this. Remove the Tcl and Tk folders from the Python folder and put them someplace safe. Reboot your machine and try doing a python -V in a command prompt. Then run the python Interactive shell (just python in the command prompt) and type in the shell, try import tkinter. If you don't get any error messages you SHOULD be good to go. Let me know what the results are and we'll try going from there. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Oh, noticed just now that you suggested to replace Python 3.12 with Python 3.11. I'll take that in consideration if nothing else comes up.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you Greg very much! Python indeed did come with tkinter but there was some kind of an issue using it I can't remember anymore that was corrected by copying the tcl and tk folders that were initially located under Python installation folder to a Python installation subfolder Lib. So to make it clear I didn't have to download anything in addition or copy files/folders outside the installation. The solution was found somewhere in the holy web by luck (as everything). I was happy with the remedy...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've escalated it to Don. We'll see what he says. Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It concerns me that you had to load the tcl and tk folders under Python. Python SHOULD (at least for Windows) come with Tkinter already there and ready. So, yes, it could be your Python installation. Just yesterday I was setting up a virtual Windows session (I run Linux) and I loaded 3.12.1 directly from and everything ran fine. I'm going to escalate this to Don and see what he thinks. In the meantime, you might want to remove your Python 3.12 completely (move the tcl/tk files to a safety...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am wondering could it be something related to Python itself? I had to copy tcl8.6 and tk8.6 folders to Lib folder under Python in order to get the tkinter work in Python. Just giving this as an example that not everything went as in films and that kind of raises questions. And since there really wasn't much to do in the PAGE installation process that could've went wrong the finger is pointing in the Python direction. I might as well be off the track too. The Python was installed from

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was not opening a project but PAGE instead. I have never had an earlier version of PAGE. Deleting the .pagerc file didn't solve the problem.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So just to be sure, you were trying just to open PAGE, not to open an existing project. Correct? It sounds to me like your .pagerc file might have a problem. Did you have an earlier version of PAGE? Anyway, try deleting your .pagerc file, which if I remember is located in your c:\Users{user}\ folder. Then retry starting PAGE. Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So just to be sure, you were trying just to open PAGE, not to open a project. Correct? It sounds to me like your .pagerc file might have a problem. Did you have an earlier version of PAGE? Anyway, try deleting your .pagerc file, which if I remember is located in your c:\Users{user}\ folder. Then retry starting PAGE. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm using Python 3.12 and yes was trying to open it.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Are you just opening PAGE or are you trying to load a project? What version of Python are you running? Thank you in advance, Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I had to modify the "python3" in page.bat file to "python" to get something happening in Win10. However, the only thing happening is showing a large PAGE icon in the middle of the screen saying "Loading library colorDlg.tcl...". What should be done?

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm glad you got it running. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    thanks, 'py' worked

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Unfortunately, Microsoft Defender has decided (FALSELY I might add) that page-8.0.exe contains a virus. This is FALSE. Both Don and Sourceforge have checked for viruses and there are none. If you can get Windows to allow you to download it, it is safe! Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am having the same messages on my Windows machine and I've seen Windows do that before to many files. I'm certain that it's a Windows False positive. Sourceforge checks every file put on it with the latest virus scanners and since you've verified it with an outside virus checker that you trust, I feel you should be good to go. Thank you for letting us know, John. Greg Walters

  • John M McDonald John M McDonald posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    p.s. Windows AV Protection History is saying it detected 'Trojan:Win32/Sabsik.FL.A!m', but I ran the download link through VirusTotal and it didn't find anything. False positive?

  • John M McDonald John M McDonald posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I'm trying to download page-8.0.exe in Windows 10 using the Brave browser and I keep getting a 'virus detected' error and it won't let me download. Any suggestions? Thanks John

  • PAGE PAGE released /page/8.0/README

  • PAGE PAGE released /page/8.0/page-8.0.exe

  • PAGE PAGE released /page/8.0/page-8.0.tgz

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The page.bat file assumes that your system starts Python by using "python3". My windows system expects "python3.9", so I had to modify the page.bat to @start /min python3.9 "" %1 %2 %3 It basically depends on how Windows installed your Python installation. Try to start Python in a command prompt. If you can get Python to start, then edit the page.bat file to use that command.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    How does Python start on your system? Is it just "python", "python3.9" or something else?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Page installed fine on W8.1 and the examples run. But on clicking on the page link the message comes: python3 cannot be found. Make shure you entered the name correct and repeat. I use python 3.12.1 What todo? Regards

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for the information and the clarification! Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    My bad...Please close this item. I was printing the widget items.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is the latest version Page 7.6

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    As I said yesterday, my function, which works on Linux may not work in Windows. I did a quick internet search and found this ... from tkinter import* root = Tk() img = PhotoImage(file='C:\Users\Lenovo\Pictures\python.png') root.iconphoto(False, img) root.wm_title("Python GUI") root.mainloop() Give that a try. You SHOULD be able to use a .png rather than a .ico file (if you want). Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    One more things sir, I did set .ico file as window icon for this method. root.iconbitmap("path_to_icon.ico") top.iconbitmap("path_to_icon.ico")

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are very angry with me, but it is a blessing for me. I understood what you told me. But in your case, the canvas was used in the file also, so I got confused. I thought both file i have to use it. and And one more things after that also i faced a issue, I think you forgot mention this line "location = backgroundimage._location" that's why show's error, and in previous i used not PNG file I used JPEG file. Thank you sir, for your...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In over 12 years of using PAGE and helping PAGE users, I have NEVER seen ANYONE who refuses to read ANY of the documentation and keeps begging for help! And video help no less! I created a very simple document (attached) explaining step by step (again) how do add an image to a Label widget. I STRONGLY suggest you read the tutorial that I wrote that comes with your PAGE distribution. It has 5 chapters and has over 100 pages. It was designed to help beginning PAGE users . While it doesn't explain the...

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No, I will NOT make you a video on how to add an image on a button, label or a canvas. That is what the documentation is for.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Obviosly you have not read any of the documentation, the tutorial or ANY of the treads in this forum. First you are not starting PAGE correctly. Secondly, YES, I did manually edit the code. Did you not read what I typed yesterday? In order to do what you want, you MUST enter code into the support file. Since you refuse to even attempt to help yourself, I'll give you step by step instructions. Maybe that way you will be able to accomplish something. 1) unzip the file I provided into a folder on your...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sir, I tried many times to understand you code as a beginer python it hard for me, how to add backgrond and button, your code is ruiing and working, can you give me details instruction or Please can you make a vide how to place a background image and place a button on it. it will be help me

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sir, Are you manually edit code in python to make this file.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sir, right now I just reached my home from my office and trying to get knoledge from your file which you send me, but your file is not open on page sofware. i am sending screen shot.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok Ok Thank you sir, It is my pleausre. Now i am going to learn your process.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I provided the user a demo program to do what he wants to do, within the limitations of PAGE

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to make this type of GUI. Please check this link

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If my link is not working then please see this photo, Or can you make this form for Demo purpose Sir.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok Thank you sir.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    An update is not needed. The icon thing should be done in code, since it will depend on the Operating System you are using. As to changing the "_w1." _w1 stands for the root Toplevel form. If you had a second toplevel it would be _w2. It's not going to be changing in PAGE anytime soon (unless you borrow from another project). But that's pretty advanced for you at this point. Greg

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It does seem you are confused. First, a Label widget can not act as a container. However, the Label widget has an image attribute that you can set so that the Label shows the image. You can only use certain types of images without a lot of extra hassle, but .png images work well and can be added directly in PAGE. Just put your Label widget on the Toplevel form, where you want it, and then in the Attribute Editor, click on the button next to the image attribute Entry (the entry box is coloured purple)....

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    **** If possible Please update Page software with add this image and icon options. **** One more second things, can i change the name of _w1. I mean in python file right now i am using _w1.button.text(), so can i change _wi using page, I can change on python file but again it will change if any changes on page software.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    But one thing i am faccing an issue on PAGE, When i created a label and place on it a image and set it as windows, then i cant place any wizget on it, show noone wizget cant be place on other wizget.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are very welcome. ALWAYS feel free to ask questions. We are here to help when we can. You can also use our Discord forum. Here is an invite link so you can join if you wish... This link will never expire. Greg

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you sir your quick reply, I am very begginer, Your support will help me to learn. Thanks.

  • Greg Walters Greg Walters posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, the Toplevel doesn't really support any images, so you need to do a hack. What I like to do is to use a label that holds the image placed somewhere on the Toplevel form. If you use a .png file that has the background set as transparent, and remove the text from the label, then you can place it anywhere on the Toplevel that suits what you want to achive. The other option is to use a canvas that is set to fill the Toplevel container. (Button-3 (right click for most people). You have to use the...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    how to set windows Background image and window icon. pls help.

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