
no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

  • Michal Garcarz

    Michal Garcarz - 2016-12-02

    Hello Team,

    After installing new PAC version i have lost access to most of my firewalls. It looks like PAC is not accepting DH group1 anymore. I got error when connecting:

    Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

    Where can i configure globally to accept that DH group ?


  • Jason DeLillo

    Jason DeLillo - 2017-01-06

    Hello Michal,

    Not sure if you found the solution for this or not but I was having the same issue with Multiple switches that I manage. After doing some research found this page And after some trial and error got it worked out.

    Right click on the connection and click "Edit Connection" Then go to "SSH Options" in the left hand column. Go to the tab all the way to the right "Advanced Options" and click "Add". Right-Click on the "SSH option (right-click here to show list)" and go to "K > KexAlgorithms" and then for the "Value" put "+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1". Save and Close

    See Attachment for Example.

    Hope this helps!


  • Jesus Lopez

    Jesus Lopez - 2017-02-12

    Hi Jason,

    it's works fine now.

    Thxs!! :)

  • Eoin

    Eoin - 2017-04-07

    Thanks +1


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