
#52 Corrupted pack file osx


When installing packjacket on osx 10.5.8 it throws an error (see attached screenshot):

Corrupted pack file: magic/ver = CAFED00D/160.1 shoud be CAFED00D/150.7

This also occurs for any jars that are generated from a normal installation of packjacket on other operating systems and I try to install it on osx.

I suspect this may have to do with the version of Java on osx?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

  • Manodasan Wignarajah

    We are currently investigating the bug you have informed us of. If this bug was reproducable by one of our developers, we will keep you up to date, and inform you when it has been fixed. If this bug was not reproducable we will inform you and require more information, so we can investigate this issue more and try to reproduce it. Most bugs, if reproducable by one of our developers, will be fixed in a short amount of time. If you have further information or details you would like to give us, please post here.

  • Manodasan Wignarajah

    • assigned_to: nobody --> manodasan
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-15

    Having done some further digging it appears to be something to do with the Pack200 compression setting and Java 6 on osx leopard.

    I think the best approach is to install PackJacket on a different operating system for the timebeing such as windows/ubuntu and untick the "use pack200 compression" under General when building your installers. After this any installer built should work on osx.

    PackJacket still need to be updated to overcome this problem when installing the program on osx though.



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