
packetVB / News: Recent posts


Crashes related to stopping capture are now fixed.

Posted by None 2004-01-01

packetvb released

See logs foir changes.

Posted by None 2003-11-10

Packetvb 0.1.1 released

Check change log for details.

Posted by None 2003-09-12

packetvb 0.1.0 released

Major overhall and alot less confusing to use.
Check the log for details.

Posted by None 2003-08-29

packetvb-0.0.3 Released

Check the change log for whats new

Posted by None 2002-09-25

packetvb-0.0.2a Released

Source code zip should now work.
Made so progress on the VB test program.

Posted by None 2002-09-23