
PacketFence 1.6.2: Frankenstein

"Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving,
it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!"

Just like every other release in living memory, we missed our mark
(Halloween) by a few days. It's never too late for a Frankenstein
quote, though. Now that the semester rush has passed and a few bugs
have popped up, we're very happy to announce the release of PacketFence
1.6.2. This release contains no new features, but fixes several bugs
and is a recommended upgrade. The db connect function has been rewritten
in 1.6.2 to handle database time outs in a MUCH better way. As a result
PF daemons (pfdetect/pfmon) are better the ever! just like Frankenstein
our daemons come back from the dead (dead database connections)!

For those of you using the RPM (most, we hope) the upgrade is as simple as:

# rpm -Uvh packetfence-1.6.2-1.i386.rpm

A full list of changes is below:

removed bogus sanity_checks
added spam violation
renamed iptables.preload to iptables.pre
expire_mode=session is now a valid configuration
updated stinger URL
added passthrough for symantec scanner
added threadid to pflogger output
added interface to rogue DHCP messages
properly escaped references to trigger table for mysql5 users
changed "Schedule" tab to "Scan"
fixed issue with pretty print column headers in class tabs
fixed init script status function
replaced PopCalendarXP with a GPLed alternative
updated the GUI dashbaord so you can remove all elements
fixed dhcp fingerprint submission through the 'class' page
fixed searching within 'status/reports'
added optimization for ip2mac (086)
added snort to startup list in (121)
many changes to the pfmon threads & db_connection process to be
able to reconnect on dead db handle and avoid timeout issues
pfdetect handles sigpipe that db_connect dbh->ping() throws now
pfdetect calls db_connect with function list to support
pfdetect now uses perl signal handlers insead of POSIX
updated snort rule locations in violations.conf
included example oinkmaster.conf file in contrib
added passthroughs to local.rules for chat services that use
non-standard IRC ports

As usual, keep the feedback coming!

The PF Team

Posted by Kevin Amorin 2006-11-03

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