
PacketFence 1.6.0b1: A Whole New Turkey

We are happy to (finally) release PacketFence 1.6.0 Beta 1 (Turkey Day). As you can see from our release name we were hoping to get beta 1 out for US Thanksgiving (Nov).

The winter has been a busy one for us. This beta release includes:
*Registration Ranges
*DHCP mode
*Config Defaults
*Multiple Authentication Registration
*IPTables Updates

Beta 1 will have many new bugs to go along with the new features, so please only use it in a test environment until 1.6 stable is released. For beta 1 documentation place see:

We are seeking people to update and test new DHCP mode of PacketFence. If you are interested in DHCP or just plan on using any beta release, please join the PacketFence development at:

Also please email any comments, bugs, suggestions, flames to

Posted by Kevin Amorin 2006-02-27

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