
Pabbering / News: Recent posts

I'm still working...

I'll change the status of the project to alpha to invite anyone to find bugs...

Posted by Jaime Ochoa Malagón 2003-11-26


I just finish to recreate almost resources of JabberPalm for Pabbering and the compilation was succesfully but POSE is still crying for a lot of illegal access to memory.

I hope finish to fix the basic bugs to make it work.

To recreate the resources guikachu was really usefull.

Posted by Jaime Ochoa Malagón 2003-10-21

The second library and examples

Is a pleasure for me to infmorm that I has been submited the files of the second library of pabbering, the examples are fully functionals, and evrithing look like to be right.

Posted by Jaime Ochoa Malagón 2003-10-14

Lets do begin Pabbering

The development of pabbering has been started, the first milestone is achieve to compile the source code of Jabber Palm 1.0.2 with prc-tools, I already have the lib xmlparser and the related example up and running.

Posted by Jaime Ochoa Malagón 2003-10-03