
mIRC-Planetarion / News: Recent posts

New Release! (from CVS)

I have a new interest for pa-mirc lately. I downloaded today a sort of "Project Manager" from a open source project. It's called "GanttProject". I had some brainstorming, but not much. So I downloaded the files from the last package, when I relaized that I had a newer version in CVS. So, I made a new release based on the CVS update 16 MONTHS ago. Enjoy :)

However, it won't show up in the front page, you have to click "list all project files" to see the new release. sfnet isn't 100% userfriendly in my opinion, but, hey, I'm not the smarest living person either. I'll see more into it.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2005-09-24


You may exptected an update 20th of october. That didn't happen. I recently upgraded my secondary PC and installed winXP. Of course, my CVS-program were lost. I just downloaded and installed it again, and downloaded project files from This may mean that I'm starting to script/work on it again.

The reason for the inactivity over the years, is two reasons. Had a job mid 2002 and onwoard, until Military service in whole 2003. Few months a freedom until more work from mid 2004. Now, I don't have a job more, so I'm pretty much free to work more on this project. This is the reason - I didn't have the time. Nor the lust, to be honest. This may have changed :)

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2004-10-26

New Release!

Almost a year ago since last release! Well, the news in this release is only that I've added some sort of a techtree into the server. The client cannot do something useful of it, yet. In time, you will be able to alter the techtree via the dialog. If you want to do it now, find PA\tech.ini and do whatever you want there :)

Some bugs in the client have been fixed. The CVS is updated. Not much else has been done. This release was relased "in a hurry", eagerly to show off the techtree-developement, and to show that this project is still alive. I haven't had time since January 2003, and won't have time until Jan 2004.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2003-10-24

CVS update, progress update

The CVS has been updated to the newest files. The CVS-description is the same on pa-client and pa-server. That's a mistake, sorry :)

The progress has been very slowly lately. In fact, it has been still for a long time now, and it will be more or less paused in the time to come. The reason for this is because I'm in the Army. The Norwegian one... I'll be free January 2004. Of course, I'll have some spare time in between.... read more

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2003-03-07

New release!

alias listgalaxy has been fixed :) It means that you get the names of the members in your galaxy right after you have logged in to the server. I try to release updated files once a month, but it seems that I missed last month. I'm sorry. I'm releasing files, eventhough I'm fully aware that it's poorly scripted, and in early alpha-phase.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-10-27

The next release...

...will be when the "alias listgalaxy"-issue has been fully sorted out. There has been protocol-changes (server>client), but older versions are in fact compatible. The layout for the client (dialog) has been changed, and some fuctions has been added. The CVS is working very well. But arthoz has lost his connection to the Internet again. jinges isn't using CVS (yet?). Bagge is wating in the background :) As said, there will be a release when "alias listgalaxy" has been sorted out. I have no clue when that will be, as I am not working on that part of the program for the moment.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-10-01

Sad news...

...for the Orginal Planetarion. (

It has been brought to my attention that PA will have their last round. Read;

An Internet Era is soon to be over. I will miss the game. pa-mirc (this project) is somewhat based on Planetarion.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-09-03

New release!

Just to prove that this is a serious project, and it's alive, we have just released updated files. This release will enable you to use space in your passwords, rulernames or in planetnames. There is still a known bug in "PlanetView". It may be sorted out in the very near future.

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-07-24

First release!

I have finally released pa-client.ini and pa-server.ini!

After much readin, I finally managed to upload the files... This is a VERY EARLY ALPHA release, contains bugs, contains nothing and so on... But, if you are interested, please download :)

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-06-27

The project has been approved

I didn't believe it, but it's true :) SourceForge must have ment that this is a interesting project... I'm glad, and will start to continue scripting on the project. (I had a pause from this project for several months now)

Posted by Morten Isaksen 2002-06-25