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File Date Author Commit
 BIN2HEX.txt 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 CHANGES.txt 2017-07-24 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [fe675e] restoring original serial settings at p89pgm ex...
 COPYING.txt 2013-09-29 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [3aa4a4] Initial commit
 HEX2BIN.txt 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 LICENSE.txt 2017-04-08 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [a3acd2] adding DESTDIR variable support in Makefile
 Makefile 2017-07-25 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [2ef915] marking phony targets in Makefile for GNU Make
 P89PGM.txt 2017-07-25 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [a44257] improving robutness note in p89pgm manual page
 README.txt 2017-07-24 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [f590d4] improving reliability and portability of versio... 2017-07-24 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [f590d4] improving reliability and portability of versio...
 bin2hex.1 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 bin2hex.c 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 hex2bin.1 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 hex2bin.c 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 hexread.c 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 hexread.h 2016-11-11 Nachanon Vetjasit Nachanon Vetjasit [5e1e70] updating copyright date and author name
 p89pgm.1 2017-07-25 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [a44257] improving robutness note in p89pgm manual page
 p89pgm.c 2017-07-25 Nutchanon Wetchasit Nutchanon Wetchasit [491a7b] making p89pgm restore serial settings even when...

Read Me


p89pgm is a simple Philips (NXP) P89V51RD2 microcontroller serial programmer
for GNU/Linux and Unix-like platform.

This program was originally written when I was assigned a college
semester project that uses P89V51RD2 chip, but flashing tool for the chip
(Flash Magic <>) is non-free and didn't work on
my GNU/Linux configuration, even with WINE <>.
So I decided to roll my own.

Currently p89pgm was written to be simple and have fewest library
dependency as possible, and it just tasked for writing program, not reading
or setting any fuse bits.

Project website:

1. Principle of Operation
2. Installation
   2.1 System Requirement
   2.2 Compiling
   2.3 Installing
   2.4 Uninstalling
3. Running
4. Author


To program P89V51RD2, this programmer will put it into In-System Programming
(ISP) mode first, by sending character 'U' repeatly to P89V51RD2's serial input
while it's booting up (using 8-N-1 serial configuration).

Once succeeds, the microcontroller will start repeating 'U's back.
Then p89pgm will stop sending 'U' and send HEX file line-by-line to the
microcontroller. If the microcontroller echo the line back with '.' appended,
means operation of that line was succeeded. But if 'X' was appended instead,
means operation of that line was failed. If all HEX lines were processed
without error, p89pgm will terminate with return code 0.


p89pgm package comprises mainly the programmer (p89pgm)
but also includes a little Intel HEX to binary converter (hex2bin)
and binary to Intel HEX converter (bin2hex).

Normally you should need only p89pgm.

2.1 System Requirement
p89pgm should run on GNU/Linux or any Unix-like platform (including Cygwin).
hex2bin and bin2hex should run on any platform that have C compiler.

For source version of p89pgm, hex2bin or bin2hex; to use it you'd need:
 - C Compiler (that could compile at least ANSI C89)
 - Make
These program have been tested using GNU C Compiler (GCC) 4.3.2, GNU Make 3.81
and running on Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 i386. For Cygwin port, tested and released
using GNU C Compiler (GCC) 4.8.2, GNU Make 4.0 with cygwin1.dll 1.7.28
and running on Microsoft Windows XP SP3.

Note: if you've just checked out p89pgm from git repository,
      you also need to run this command in source directory before proceeding
      to the next step:
        $ ./

2.2 Compiling
To compile p89pgm, run this command in source directory

  $ make

This will produce an executable named 'p89pgm' in the source directory.

On the other hand, to compile hex2bin or bin2hex, run this command
in source directory: (replace PROGNAME with 'hex2bin' or 'bin2hex')

  $ make PROGNAME

This will produce an executable named 'hex2bin' (or 'bin2hex') in the
source directory. If you wanted all of them, just use 'make all' instead.

2.3 Installing
If you wanted to install p89pgm system-wide, use this command (as root):

  # make install

This will install p89pgm binary to /usr/local/bin.
If you want just hex2bin or bin2hex installed, use this command (as root):

  # make install-PROGNAME

Replace 'PROGNAME' with 'hex2bin' or 'bin2hex'.

If you wanted all program, use 'make install-all' instead.

Alternatively, in case you need to install it just for yourself (like ~/bin),
prepend PREFIX=... in front of 'install' and it will place binaries in
'bin' subfolder of your prefix. Also you didn't need to be root to install it.
This example will install all three programs to your home folder (~/bin):

  $ make PREFIX=~ install-all

(You can replace 'install-all' with 'install-hex2bin' or 'install-bin2hex'
for installing only specific program, or just 'install' for installing
only p89pgm)

2.4 Uninstalling
To uninstall, you just need to do the same step as installation,
but change 'install' word to 'uninstall'.


After you finished installation, you could run this command
to see available command line switches:

$ p89pgm --help

Note: Since p89pgm 0.3.0, you can let p89pgm configure your machine's
serial port parameters automatically by using '--baud' option.

See P89PGM.txt, HEX2BIN.txt and BIN2HEX.txt for detailed usage of each program.
If you installed this on Unix-like system, you can view these documentation
via system's manual page viewer (e.g. using 'man p89pgm').

p89pgm is written by Nutchanon Wetchasit,
relased as Free Software under GNU GPL.
For legal information, see LICENSE.txt