
#22 Dot progress


This patch adds support for printing dots in place of the percentage indicator when compressing, similar to the zip command. The two new switches are -q (Quiet) and -dd (Display Dots), eg:
7za a -qdd200 foo.7z bar > progress.log
Will print 200 dots and nothing else to progress.log as it compresses. This is essential for being able to accurately monitor the compression progress using another program.
The default number of dots is 100.
Note: Quiet is only properly implemented for adding/updating and will have little effect on other operations.


  • Gannet

    Gannet - 2010-11-14
  • aONe

    aONe - 2010-11-14

    Going to test it ;)

  • aONe

    aONe - 2010-11-14

    Humm... How to apply the patch? I've simply give it chmod +x and changed the name of the p7zip folder to "a" but terminal launches errors... just errors...

  • aONe

    aONe - 2010-11-14

    For people like me who never used diff and patch before:

    1. Copy DotProgress.patch inside p7zip_9.13 folder.
    2. Open the Terminal, cd to your p7zip_9.13 folder.
    3. Write this code: patch < DotProgress.patch --strip=1

  • aONe

    aONe - 2010-11-14

    Tested! It ROCKS!!!

  • Gannet

    Gannet - 2010-11-14

    Hi aonez,
    You're the author of Keka, right? I did this for my own Mac archiving program but thought it would be useful for others like yours too. Glad it works for you! I didn't implement it for extraction though because that would have been slightly trickier and wasn't within my scope.

  • aONe

    aONe - 2010-11-14

    Yep I'm making Keka. Which is yours??
    I'll try to follow your patch to do the same to extraction and test... Will see.... If I make something "that works" will share in this tracker.

    Thanks for share gannet!


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