
Release Schedule for Future Releases

  • Karla Thurs

    Karla Thurs - 2019-12-24

    Does anybody out there know if p7zip follows a specific release schedule for future releases?

  • Sam Tansy

    Sam Tansy - 2020-01-06

    I don't think there will be any. It's maintained by fixing and releasing security patches but that would be it. Project is "unmaintainable" in a way for development as it's written for windows platform and code is not portable. To do that one, or actually one team, must change thousands lines of code which is beyond reach of any human being.


    Last edit: Sam Tansy 2020-01-06
  • Tesf

    Tesf - 2020-10-13

    "If you want a new version of p7zip:
    checkout this page OR just click here, they fix some CVE BUG and plan to do more".
    -- Jeff Han, 2020-05-15


    Last edit: Tesf 2020-10-13
  • teoberi

    teoberi - 2020-11-30

    I ask a moderator to delete my last comments / comment changes!
    To remain only:
    "There are some changes! ->
    Maybe szcnick withdrew from the project?"


    Last edit: teoberi 2020-11-30

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