
List of archive format CLSIDs in 7z.dll/.so

  • Martin Lemke

    Martin Lemke - 2009-08-12

    I am trying to find a header or an interface file with CLSIDs of archive formats available from 7z.dll/, but cannot find any. It looks as if they all are declared using multi-level macros and are spread across their respective files. Also, when registering an archive format, it doesn't specify the whole CLSID, but only a minor number in the parameters of REGISTER_ARC function.

    If there is no such list, how can I figure out the CLSIDs of the archive format object that I want to query from the dll?  Could be that I missed this list and it is already there? If no, is there a way for me to compile it?

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2009-08-12

      Download 7-Zip source code. There is Guid.txt file there.
      p7zip doesn't contain that file.

  • Henrique Aschenbrenner

    Good afternoon Mr. Pavlov, please do not find the corresponding CLSID to unzip a self-extracting .exe file. Allow me to explain further. I want to open certain .exe files to look at what's inside them. There is no reference to the Guid.txt file, but 7zip can open .exe files. How do I do this programmatically?

    Thank you.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2020-05-23

    You need clsid of zip in most cases.
    Smetimes you need clsid of pe (exe).


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