
Ozymandias Mailing List Archiver / News: Recent posts

Project Update

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...

I just wanted to drop a short note to let everyone know that Ozy is still under development, and is beeing reorganized in a number of ways to make it more workable in alternative servlet environments. I alos hope to have a new demo server up in the upcoming weeks.

Posted by Chris J. Karr 2001-10-16

Ozymandias Prerelease Available

The Ozymandias engine is now in the pre-release stage. The 1.0.0pre release is fully functional and only lacks the documentation that will be present in the 1.0.0 release.

Posted by Chris J. Karr 2001-05-13

Tomcat References

I've finally set up the Tomcat server. URLs for Tomcat documentation can be found at

Posted by Chris J. Karr 2001-03-14

Ozymandias Project Is Active

The Ozymandias mailing list archive project is now online. I've uploaded some preliminary code into the CVS repositories and have created some initial tasks to complete. If there are any questions / comments, e-mail me at

(The name Ozymandias comes from the X-Men character. More info is available at .)

Posted by Chris J. Karr 2001-02-27