
oxerp / News: Recent posts


Oxerp New Generation is on the road, beta releases are scheduled on january 2006. After 2 production years on pilot sites, Oxerp is moving to easier customization for clients : business model, screens and documents templates, through a new technical architecture based on open standards : EJB3, XML Schema...and through the use of the extremda engine. More independance between modules : CRM-accounting and an easiest way to add new ones are other targets for OXERP 2.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2005-09-21

Release Candidate 1

Finally we caught it ! This release is pretty stable. Should become the 1.0.0 within 15 days.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2004-04-19

CVS and growing team

Team is growing again ; we moved tonight to sourceforge CVS to help in development.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-12-03

1.0.0 b3

Beta 3 is a consolidation release. Calculations are now made through a wrapper instead of plain double. Xml marshalling is done through a small oxerp proprietary library instead of Castor.

Two key points for the future of oXerp.

We are confident ; a reliable RC1 is not too far away now.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-10-19

1.0.0 - Some news

Happy to see so many visits at the very early stage of this project. We work hard to go to a 1.0.0 release. With this 1.0.0 we will improve our team development using sourceforge cvs. Some new end-user features will go out too with the release.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-09-30

Team is growing

oXerp is happy to receive support from a new developer : Mr Sacrato

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-09-11

Application server compatibility

So far, oXerp is fully compatible with JBoss 3.0.x, should work fine with JBoss 3.2.x. For other app servers (weblogic, JBoss4.0.x, Websphere), modifications are needed to the out of the box installation (Authentication process for instance). We plan to provide conf files for different app server.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-08-29

oXerp 1.0.0-beta2

New features (PDF export...), bugs correction and beginning for docs... check it out and let us know what you want as priorities.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-08-17

First production installation - beta1

This week, first production installation in a real world company makes us confident in releasing a beta1 version. Still a lot of work to do but yet useable.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-07-05

Alpha File Release

This release contains all announced functionnalities in the summary. We work quick and hard to move to beta, RC and final release. Any comments on it are welcome.

Posted by Pascal Coube 2003-06-27