
OverWorld / News: Recent posts

Overworld Converted to Subversion

The subject pretty much says it all. All new development on Overworld will be committed to the new Subversion repository instead of CVS.

Posted by Andrew Martin 2006-08-08

Not dead yet!

Just making note that work IS still being done on OverWorld, even if it doesn't look like it at first glance. As a matter of fact, the repository have been completely revamped and there is a ton of new code. There isn't too much to execute though, still working on the engine and tools (which have a spiffy GTK interface now!)

Posted by Andrew Martin 2005-09-03

Downgraded Status

I've downgraded the status of OverWorld from "2-Pre-Alpha" to "1-Planning" because of the need to rethink the direction the code was going. Yes, folks, this does mean starting back on square one, but I've decided now that it is more important to get the engine up and running than it is to make it more and more elaborate.

Posted by Andrew Martin 2005-01-06

Work has commenced once again!

This time, I have a monkey on my back (scherbius, the new admin) keeping me regular (not in the fruit sense). I'm also much more consistent about updating cvs, so the code there should be pretty much whatever I last worked on. Hopefully, scherbius can start working on development in a little while as well. There may be something to actually release before 2010... maybe.

Posted by Andrew Martin 2003-07-10

Ok, *a lot* of off time and a few changes

So school got hard one day, and I decided it would be better for me to work on that instead of OverWorld. Well things are settling down a little bit finally, so I've begun work once again. This time however, I have switched the graphics library to the SDL. It is a lot more primitive, but much more portable so everyone can enjoy this fine work :)

Posted by Andrew Martin 2003-03-31

A little off time...

For those who may be concerned, OverWorld is currently on development hold due to the author having other committments of higher priority (aka: school). Rest assured, development has not ceased, only slowed. Since there is no timeline for completion of OverWorld, there is no hurry to get there. Any questions? Feel free to post a message.

Posted by Andrew Martin 2002-09-17

CVS files now available

The initial import of the oworld source (or what is there so far) has been uploaded. It's not much, but there is working code with test programs too, so take a look and let me know what you think.

Posted by Andrew Martin 2002-06-27

Project Is Getting Setup

For those interested (or those who are just passing by), this is the initial setup of the OverWorld RPG sourceforge site. This being said, you may not find much content yet, but more and more will be appearing. Patience! <g>

Posted by Andrew Martin 2002-05-03