
suggestion request

Roger Pack
  • Roger Pack

    Roger Pack - 2005-07-13

    After using opt for a few weeks, some thoughts i had on it were that it is a good time saver for keeping focused on projects.
    Some ways to make it even better
    1) it seems, when you click on people [timesheets comes up]
    that  it pops up with the "next" week, not the current week, for some reason.  most people have to click the "back week" button every time.
    also it seems confusing between here is a project and a request and then a task under that--a tree like way to "navigate" through all of them might be more intuitive.

    3) it seems that you can't enter time strictly as "11:00 to 1:00" you must also enter the hours worked.  This is a little counter intuitive--doesn't it add up the hours worked?  Anyway because of this i no longer type in when worked, only the total hours worked.

    Anyway thanks for the good project.  Appreciate it.

    • Roger Pack

      Roger Pack - 2005-07-15

      It would also be nice if, after clicking on a "day" to enter things for that day, you could enter *several* entires for several tasks--i.e. transfer from some other tracking sheet [like hand-written] to opt.
      Anyway thanks for the project.



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