
Out2GCal / News: Recent posts

What is going on

So, there is going to be a slow-down in development as my year at Speed School of Engineering starts.
So far, these have been implemented in RC 3:
- Progress no longer "Always on top"
- Check for updates
- Settings are now stored in the registry
- Encryption of certain settings
- Odd Entries bugfix
- Possible fix for calendar upload bug

Currently I'm working on the Interface Initialization bug. Google is sending me null data for some reason, and I don't know why. Possibly they are blocking the program now, but more likely it is so timeout issue with their server that isn't documented.

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-26

Bug reports coming in!

Ok, so right now, RC2 isn't unstable, but it is pulling an IPhone 4.

On that note, RC3 will be much better... well, if I can help it at least ;)

Do check the Tracker for bug reports currently given. If you find any more please email me []

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-18

RC 2 is Live

Also update the setup to include another redistributable check.

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-15

Workin on RC2

There are a few things that are giving me trouble, but it will come out pretty soon.

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-12

RC 1 is really live now lol

Ok, so after some server hiccups and a release bug, everything is fixed, up and running. That was eventfull

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-02

RC1 is Live!

RC 1 is out with Protected Calendars. This means you can now keep your Outlook entirely separated from any other calendars you have.

Note: There is a possible bug with the new Upload progress formula that causes the upload to stop, let me know if I'm correct. If it is there, I will fix it in the next RC.

Posted by Thisita 2010-08-01

RC 1 is Coming!!

Watch out! It'll be here soon :nod:

Posted by Thisita 2010-07-31

Beta 5

Last beta [and bearing the most changes] before the RC's come. Please send me back bug reports

Posted by Thisita 2010-07-28

Testers/Feature Requests Needed

I need feedback, please send it through the SourceForge interface or by emailing

Posted by Thisita 2010-07-28

Beta 4

Beta 4 is a quick release with a fix for the Calendar Appointment deletion from categories. Found out that Google's Server only sends back 20 at a time. It is fixed.

Posted by Thisita 2010-07-28