
#6 OTRproxy alerts incorrectly display default buttons

otrproxy (6)

[On OS X 10.3.9, otrproxy 0.2.0...]

When otrproxy displays dialogue boxes to the user, none of the
buttons in the dialogue box are initially responsive to keyboard input
such as "Enter". This is intended behavior (to prevent accidental
dismissal of the dialogue), and the buttons can be selected by
tab'ing to them, but the UI feedback is misleading.

When alert dialogue boxes are displayed, they show certain buttons
as highlighted, indicating that they can be activated via keyboard
input. This is not true. There is also no visible change once they do
become responsive to keyboard input if the user tab's to the button.
(The button remains highlighted, as it should be at that point.)

Fix: display the dialogue buttons initially non-highlighted, and only
highlight when they are triggerable by keyboard input.


  • Len Sassaman

    Len Sassaman - 2005-05-09
    • summary: OTRproxy alerts incorrectly display default buttoms --> OTRproxy alerts incorrectly display default buttons
  • Ian Goldberg

    Ian Goldberg - 2005-05-09
    • labels: --> otrproxy
  • Ian Goldberg

    Ian Goldberg - 2005-05-19

    Logged In: YES

    Does this still happen with the test version (for
    multi-user) I sent you?

    On gtk, this is what's happening:

    - The "highlighted" button means that that's the one that
    will be "clicked" if the user hits Enter (the "default
    button"). The fact that the window doesn't have keyboard
    focus doesn't affect this.
    - If the user gives focus to the dialog, then Enter works to
    "click" OK.
    - This is consistent with what I expect from gtk apps.

    If I don't make the button the "default button", then it's
    not highlighted, but giving the dialog the keyboard focus
    and pressing Enter has no effect.

    I think you should be *able* to "click" OK by giving
    keyboard focus to the window and pressing Enter.

    Is what you're saying that OSX apps generally behave
    differently from gtk apps, in that the "highlighted" button
    in OSX means that *both* this is the "default button" *and*
    this window currently has the keyboard focus?

  • Len Sassaman

    Len Sassaman - 2005-05-20

    Logged In: YES

    > Is what you're saying that OSX apps generally behave
    > differently from gtk apps, in that the "highlighted" button
    > in OSX means that *both* this is the "default button" *and*
    > this window currently has the keyboard focus?

    No, that is not what I am saying.

    OS X apps should behave just as you say the gtk apps do. However,
    otrproxy does not conform to this behavior.

    What happens is this:

    - The window appears without focus.
    - The window is brought into focus, and the default button is highlighted,
    but unresponsive to keyboard input.
    - "Tab" is hit, and now, despite no visual feedback, the default button may
    be triggered with "Enter".

    The "Tab" step should not be required.

  • Ian Goldberg

    Ian Goldberg - 2005-05-20

    Logged In: YES

    It sounds like in step 2, you're actually bringing the *app*
    into focus, not the individual window; then step 3 moves the
    focus to the dialog box (away from whatever originally had
    it, probably the "private connections" frame). Is that
    consistent with what you're seeing? [I only have a vague
    recollection of seeing how focus works in osx, so I ay be
    way off here.]

  • Len Sassaman

    Len Sassaman - 2005-05-21

    Logged In: YES

    In step two, I am bringing the app into focus. The window is already in
    focus within the app, so I am *also* bringing the window into focus.

    Tabs do nothing to affect which window is in focus.


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