The OTL offers the possibility to pass the
option "otl_implicit_select" to the otl_stream open()
function, which enables to give a records set back to the
My tests shows that the library doesn t accept any out-
param any more, if the option otl_implicit_select is
given: the possibility to give a return set back should not
means no other value (inclusive return value!) could be
given back as out-param!
With odbc lowlevel this works. Why not with OTL?
Maybe it means any changes to let know the stream,
that first the out-params should be given back (the
number of out-param is defined by stream-sql-definition)
and then the record-set.
This function would be very welcomed, because a stored-
proc should normaly always give a return value!
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I have noted that this problem still exists: the ability to
return record sets and output parameters (including the
return value) appear to be mutually exclusive, although ODBC
imposes no such limitation. Is there any intent to address
this issue?
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I have encounted this too. I have a long running stored
procedure which returns multiple resultset(S) as well as
return code. I have not been able find a solution to the
Is this going to be addressed anytime soon ?