Venkat Mangudi - 2010-10-05


This version has been built using Opentaps 1.0.3 and Tally ERP 9.

1. Opentaps 1.0.3
2. Tally ERP 9
3. PostgresSQL 8.4
4. Hardware Requirement :
a). Opentaps 1.0.3
# For a small deployment (under 10 users), a dual CPU server with 4 GB of memory should be sufficient.
# For moderate deployment, we would recommend 4 CPU cores with about 8 GB of memory.

b). Tally ERP 9
# Atleast 256MB RAM but more than 512MB is good for performance.
# 60MB minimum Hard Disk

c). Postgress 8.4
# 512MB RAM
# 1GB Hard Disk

Opentaps 1.0.3 Installation (bundled in the download package):
a) In Ubuntu 10.04 (should work with other Linux distros as well)
1. Extract the opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration.tar.gz


tar -xvf opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration.tar.gz

2. To load the demo data in Opentaps, run the below command in the extracted folder :


cd opentaps 1.0.3


ant run-install

3. To install opentaps with only seed data , run the below command :


ant run-install-seed

4. To start opentaps run the below command :



b) In Windows (So tempted to say, you're on your own. :-) But we will not do that)

1. Extract the opentaps

2. To load the demo data in Opentaps, open a command prompt and run the below command in the extracted folder :

C:> cd c:\opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration

   assuming that you installed ant in c: \ ant:

   C:\opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration> c:\ant\bin\ant run-install

3. To install opentaps with only seed data , run the below command :

C:\opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration> ant run-install

4. To start opentaps run the below command :

C: \opentaps 1.0.3_tally_integration> startofbiz.bat


a) Tally ERP 9 :
1. Install Tally ERP 9.
2. To create a new company select "Create Company" button in "Company Info." screen.
3. Fill the information of the company.
4. initiaaly need to create the following Ledger in tally :
a). For printing charges needs to create "Printing Charges" ledger under "Purchase Account".
b). For discount needs to create "Discount Allowed" under "Sales and Marketing Expanses".
c). For sales tax needs to create "Bangalore NP Sales(CST)" under "Sales Accounts".
d). For shipping charges needs to create "Shipping Charges" under "Sales Accounts".
e). Create a ledger of the company created in tally.

b) Opentaps 1.0.3 :

The company name created in tally needs to be updated in the XML template files in opentaps located in "Opentaps 1.0.3/XML/".
1. Modify the "SVCURRENTCOMPANY" tags in all xml files by replacing Company name "Compnay XYZ" with the company created in Tally ERP 9.

How to connect Opentaps 1.0.3 to Tally ERP 9 ?

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/tallyerp/control/main.
2. Click on "Configure Tally Connectivity" link.
3. Fill the port number and IP address of Tally Server.
4. Press update button.
5. Click on "Test Connection" button to test connectivity.
Now, Opentaps is ready to send XML files to Tally server.

Module Configuration :

Modules in opentaps can be customized to interact with tally. User can select the modules that can interact with tally by using the Module Configuration Screen.
System will automatically check and select all dependent modules during the configuration and alert the user.

Field Configuration :

Field for each modules in opentaps can be customized to interact with tally. User can select the field of a module in opentaps that can be posted to tally.

How to change the module configuration setting ?

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/tallyerp/control/main.
2. Click on "Configure Tally Modules" link.
3. Select the checkboxes for the modules you want to interact with tally.
4. Click on update button.

How to change the field configuration setting ?

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/tallyerp/control/main.
2. Click on "Configure Tally Modules" link.
3. Click on the module name link for which field configuration needs to be changed.
4. Click the check box in front of field name you want to select.
5. Click on update button.