
Tree [e7d2f8] main v0.7 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 example 2024-08-02 Okerew Okerew [2c4416] Delete example/
 osxiec_script 2024-08-02 Okerew Okerew [034a12] Update osxiec_script.c
 plugin_manager 2024-07-21 Okerew Okerew [ecdf17] Add files via upload
 samples 2024-08-17 Okerew Okerew [809baa] Add files via upload
 scripts 2024-07-31 Okerew Okerew [08d390] Update
 CMakeLists.txt 2024-08-13 Okerew Okerew [ce7d6f] Update CMakeLists.txt
 LICENSE 2024-08-09 Okerew Okerew [e1aea5] Update LICENSE
 LICENSE2 2024-08-09 Okerew Okerew [774dce] Create LICENSE2 2024-08-22 Okerew Okerew [e7d2f8] Update
 osxiec.c 2024-08-22 Okerew Okerew [c2b309] Update osxiec.c
 osxiec.h 2024-07-29 Okerew Okerew [92216b] Create osxiec.h

Read Me


OSXIEC is a native docker-like solution for macOS developed by Okerew. It leverages native macOS features to provide containerization capabilities, albeit with some limitations compared to Docker.

Watch the video

If it says that macOS can't identify if it is malware or not, close it go into settings and allow it to be executed.


HomeBrew for installing dependencies

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


brew install curl


brew install readline


brew install json-c@0.17

Build Dependencies

Ninja for building

brew install ninja

Cmake for building

brew install cmake



  1. Download the Release:
    Download the osxiec_cli.tar.gz and osxiec_gui.tar.gz if you want a gui app file from the releases section.
  2. Extract the Archive:
    sh tar -xvzf osxiec_cli.tar.gz
    For gui version
    sh tar -xvzf osxiec_gui.tar.gz

  3. Run installation script in the extracted cli directory:
    sh sudo sh

  4. If downloaded osxiec_gui
    Copy app bundle from osxiec_gui.tar.gz to /Applications then run the app bundle or run osxiec.jar

To update to a new release, repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 if using osxiec_gui also step 4.


Containerize a Directory: containerizes a directory

sudo osxiec -contain {directory_path} {some_name}.bin {path_to_config_file_in_directory_path} {container_config_file}

Create a cluster ( virtualized network ) create a cluster

sudo osxiec -network create {network_name} {vlan_id}

Remove a vlan network removes a vlan network

sudo osxiec -network remove {network_name} {vlan_id}

Run with vlan config run with vlan config

sudo osxiec -run {some_name.bin} {network_name} -port {PORT_NUMBER}

port argument is optional

Version checks the current version

osxiec --version

Pull pulls an image from osxiec hub

osxiec -pull {container_name}

Search searches osxiec hub

osxiec -search {search_term_for_osxiec_hub}

Upload allows to upload a file to osxiec hub

osxiec -upload {filename} {username} {password} {description}

Convert to Docker converts to docker

osxiec -convert-to-docker {bin_file} {output_directory} {base_image} [custom_dockerfile]

Clean this will clean the container volume images from /tmp

sudo osxiec -clean

Detach detaches the container images

osxiec -detach

Help shows all the commands

osxiec -help

Deploy deploys a container

sudo osxiec -deploy {path_to_config} -port {PORT_NUMBER}

Scan scans a container for security vulnerabilities

osxiec -scan {some_name.bin}

Deploym deploys multiple containers, this is a work in progress, for now it works mostly fine with start config

sudo osxiec -deploym {config_file}

Oexec executes a container in offline mode without any networking or usage of ports

sudo osxiec -oexec {bin_file_path}

Extract extracts files and folders from a container

sudo osxiec -extract {bin_file_path}

Convert to oci converts to an oci container

osxiec -convert-to-oci {bin_file_path} {output_path} {arch} {author} 

Craft crafts a container from a directory and a bin input file

sudo osxiec -craft {directory_path} {bin_input_file} {output_file} {start_config_file} {container_config_file}

Check for update checks for update

osxiec -check-for-update

Start starts a container a stopped container

osxiec -start {volume_name} {network} -port {PORT_NUMBER} 

port is optional

Ostart starts a container a stopped container in offline mode

osxiec -ostart {volume_name} 

Creating a container

Make sure to include any dependencies or executables you can obtain these by searching for where a dependency or executable is located and copying it along with it's dependencies.

Example structure

        "subfolder1" [


Script Example:
For example if you have a node project make sure to include somewhere the node executable in the directory you want to contain, then run the script with the node executable.

console.log("Hello World")

Do path/to/node_executable_in_container/ script.js


To contain a directory run the osxiec -contain {directory_path} {container_name} {start_config_file}

This will also scan the container for security vulnerabilities.

Executing a container

After creating a container or downloading one.
You can execute one with

osxiec -oexec {container_name}

This will execute it in offline mode. If you want to execute it in online mode see the next point.

Run with vlan

If you have created a vlan network like said in the next point you can run the container with

osxiec -run {container_name} {network_name}

You can also add the port argument with -port {PORT_NUMBER}

When executing

Normally it will start a listener which will allow it to communicate with other containers.
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 18 11 30

If you want to access the container terminal just press enter.
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 18 11 45

Container commands

  1. help shows all the commands
  2. debug debugs the container
  3. scale scales the resources of the container
  4. osxs Execute an osxs script file
  5. xs Execute an osxs script command
  6. autoscale automatically scales the resources of the container
  7. status shows the status of the container
  8. stop stops the container.

Creating a vlan network

To create a network you can run osxiec -network create {network_name} {vlan_id}

The network_name can be any string like "test" for example.

The vlan id can be any number from 1-4094.

For example osxiec -network create test 6

Converting to Docker

Create docker file

# Test Dockerfile for osxiec to Docker conversion

# Use a lightweight base image
FROM alpine:latest

# Set the working directory in the container

# Copy the application files from the osxiec container
# Note: This will be handled by the conversion script, so we don't need COPY instructions here

# Install any needed packages
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 py3-pip

# Set environment variables (these will be overwritten by the conversion script if not using a custom Dockerfile)

# Make port 8080 available to the world outside this container

# Run a simple Python HTTP server when the container launches
CMD ["python3", "-m", "http.server", "8080"]

Run convert-to-docker

For this example

osxiec -convert-to-docker {container_name} {output_directory} alpine:latest samples/dockerfile


Create a config file



sudo osxiec -deploy {path_to_config_file} 

You can also use -port {PORT_NUMBER}

you can also deploy multiple containers, this is a work in progress though.

sudo osxiec -deploym {config_file} {PORT_NUMBER1} {PORT_NUMBER2} etc.


path_to_container1_config {network_name}
path_to_container2_config {network_name}

Osxiec Script

Osxiec script is a scripting language created for managing osxiec containers.


Set Memory

SET_MEMORY {memory_soft} {memory_hard}

Set CPU Priority

SET_CPU {cpu_priority}


EXECUTE {command}

Conditional Execution

IF {condition} EXECUTE {command}


SLEEP {seconds}


LOG {message}

Execute File

EXECUTE_FILE {path_to_script}

Set Variable

SET {variable} {value}

While Loop

WHILE {condition} {commands} END

For Loop

FOR {variable} TO {2variable} STEP {value} {commands} END


IF {condition} ELSE {commands} END

Note ELSE statement for now doesn't work with LOG and is a work in progress


# This is an example script for the OSXIEC scripting language
SET counter 0
SET limit 10

# Loop from 0 to 10
FOR counter=0 TO limit STEP 2
    IF counter==5
        LOG "Counter is 5"
    SLEEP 1

IF $var==5 LOG Variable is 5 ELSE LOG Variable is not 5

# Loop while counter is less than limit
WHILE counter<limit
    IF counter==5
        LOG "Counter is 5"
    SET counter $(($counter + 1))
    SLEEP 1

# Log the start of the script
LOG Starting script for $container_name

# Set container memory limits
SET_MEMORY $mem_soft $mem_hard

# Set CPU priority
SET_CPU $cpu_priority

# Execute a command
EXECUTE echo "Container $container_name initialized"

# Conditional execution
SET status running
IF status==running EXECUTE echo "Container is operational"

# Sleep for 2 seconds

# Echo some information
ECHO Container $container_name is configured with:
ECHO - Memory limits: $mem_soft MB (soft) / $mem_hard MB (hard)
ECHO - CPU priority: $cpu_priority


When in a container, you can use the following commands to debug the container.

To start debugging debug

Then you can use these commands


which steps to the next command

break <command>

Creates a breakpoint at the specified command

print <var>

Prints the value of the specified variable of the container


Prints the whole container state


Shows what you can do


Continues execution of the container

Osxiec Container Hub

This is a place where you can upload your containers to.
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 18 25 20

Osxiec Gui

This is the source code for the gui version of osxiec.
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12 05 58

Osxiec Terminal

A terminal emulator specifically created for osxiec


Git clone the repository

git clone

Go to the directory

cd osxiec

Build the osxiec executable

mkdir {build-directory}
cd {build-directory}
cmake -S .. -B . -G "Ninja"

Give permissions to scripts if needed

sudo chmod +x scripts/
sudo chmod +x scripts/

to make it work put all executables in a one folder, copy there and run it

Build java gui

Git clone the gui

git clone

Go to the directory

cd osxiec_gui

Build the class


Build the jar

jar -cvfe osxiec.jar OsxiecApp OsxiecApp.class

Copy jar into app bundle, remove the previous one

cp osxiec.jar

If using the one from release, delete the previous one

Copy the icon into Contents/Resources

Finally, copy the into the bundle as osxiec_gui



Example plugin can be seen in samples/sample_plugin.c, this should make you understand how osxiec loads plugins.

Build plugin

gcc -shared -fPIC -o {plugin_name}.so {plugin_name}.c  

Install plugin

sudo cp {plugin_name}.so  ~/.osxiec/plugins

After this on the execution of osxiec command the plugin will be loaded.


  • Not a Docker Replacement:
    While OSXIEC offers similar functionality to Docker, it lacks some advanced features of Docker. It is more supposed to be a quicker testing tool than docker on macOS, it is not designed to replace it, just to test basic ideas and software, distribute macOS software.
  • macOS Only:
    OSXIEC uses native macOS features and is not compatible with other operating systems.
  • Isolation Limitations:
    Due to macOS limitations, complete isolation like in Linux is not possible. The contained directory will have some access to the outside environment, you can have a start config file if needed.
  • Supported Features:
    Despite its limitations, OSXIEC provides isolation using namespaces, setuid, image layers, basic user process control, memory and CPU control, and special permissions using user IDs and group IDs, unpacking the image into a disk image(APFS), vlans.
  • Support: Remember that not everything will work fully for example node won't work fully because it is making sys calls which spawn things outside the container, in this example local things that do not rely on the repl server will work.
  • Temps: If you need a lot of storage for the moment, and you used a container use the clean command.
  • Why is chroot not used?
    Chroot requires for SIP to be disabled, which causes many security risks, chroot can be easily exited by any process, using the normal macOS restrictions is way more secure, reliable,
    having it disabled causes many permission issues.
  • Sandbox deprecation error yes I know that sandbox innit is deprecated but there isn't really an alternative for it unless I would use xcode and there is no way I am using it to rebuild this.