
#121 GridControl. Stay in cell editing (red border) if tab hit


Feature request title:
GridControl. Stay in cell editing (red border) if tab hit

Background info:

See Help Forum post "Stay in cell editing (red border) if tab hit

Live Scenario:

In a GridControl, I click in a cell. The cell border turns red meaning the cell is in cell editing mode.

I type some stuff like abcdef. I press the arrow up key. Now it shows the cell above that in the row above has the red border in the cell so it stays in cell editing mode but now in the row above.

Same happens when I hit the arrow down key, it stays in cell editing mode with the red border in the cell in the row below.

Ok but if I hit the tab key, it selects the cell to the right, but now it's out of cell editing mode and is now in cell selection mode because it shows the cell to the right is now selected with all blue, and it doesn't have a red border around that cell to the right. I have to hit F2 to put that cell into cell editing mode.

Feature Request:

Add a GridControl set method that makes hitting TAB behave the same as arrow up or arrow down, which is keep it in cell editing mode in the cell to the right that was tabbed to.

Thanks. Howard Hoagland.
We're basing our project on OpenSwing and it's gonna be a really a cool thing for our users, thanks for helping us !!!
