

Anonymous Igor

Required Open Source libraries

  1. GraphicsMagick, image manipulation library, version 1.3.7 or later.
    Please note that there seems to be a regression with PNG processing for GraphicsMagick 1.3.13 and 1.3.14 so we recommend using version 1.3.21 as the most compatible version.
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • GraphicsMagick
    • GraphicsMagick-devel
    • GraphicsMagick-c++-devel
    • GraphicsMagick-c++
  2. POTRACE, vector tracing library, version 1.9 or later.
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • libpotrace0
    • libpotrace-dev
  3. GOCR/JOCR, optical character recognition library, please use the provided patched version (the addon for original package is that is installs the header files and .a library additionally to the executable).
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • libgocr-dev
  4. OCRAD, optical character recognition program, version 0.21 or later is required.
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • libocrad-dev
  5. TCLAP, Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library, version 1.2.1.
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • libtclap-dev
  6. OpenBabel, open source chemistry toolbox, please use the provided patched version to be able to output polymer MOL and SDF files.

  7. Poppler PDF rendering library. Version 0.73.0 is recommended.

Optional Open Source libraries

  1. Tesseract OCR engine, developed at HP Labs, version 3.01 is supported starting with OSRA-1.3.9
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • tesseract-ocr-dev
  2. Cuneiform OCR system, developed by Cognitive technologies, version 1.1.0 or later.
    If installing from RPM/DEB make sure you have the following packages:
    • cuneiform-dev

Other acknowledgments

OSRA also makes use of the following software (you do not need to install it separately, it's included in the distribution):

  1. ThinImage, C code from the article "Efficient Binary Image Thinning using Neighborhood Maps" by Joseph M. Cychosz, in "Graphics Gems IV", Academic Press, 1994
  2. GREYCstoration, Anisotropic smoothing plugin
  3. CImg, the C++ Template Image Processing Library
  4. MCDL utility from Sergei Trepalin and Andrei Gakh for 2D coordinate generation
  5. Unpaper is a post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper, especially for book pages that have been scanned from previously created photocopies. The main purpose is to make scanned book pages better readable on screen after conversion to PDF. Additionally, unpaper might be useful to enhance the quality of scanned pages before performing optical character recognition (OCR).


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