

Arthur Zaczek

Graphical interface

Run OSPCGui.exe

Command line interface

Usage: OSPC [options] { file1 file2 ... }

  -h, -?, --help             Prints this help
  -c=VALUE                   Reads the given configuration. Note, this switch
                               should be the first argument as it overrides any
                               other argument parsed yet.
  --write-config=VALUE       Write the current configuration to the given
                               file. Note, this switch should be the last
  -f=VALUE                   File filter. If -d is specified, then -f
                               defaults to "*.*."
  -d=VALUE                   Specifies a directory where the filer applies.
                               If -f is specified, then -d defaults to "."
  --include=VALUE            Specifies a regular expression that every file
                               must match. More than one expression is allowed.
                               A file must match any of these expressions.
  --exclude=VALUE            Specifies a regular expression to exclude files.
                               More than one expression is allowed. If a file
                               must match any of these expressions it will be
  --detailed                 Print a detailed report to the console
  --summary                  Print only a summay to the console. Usefull if --
                               html is used.
  --html[=VALUE]             Saves a html report to the specified directory.
                               Defaults to "report"
  --min-match-length=VALUE   Minimum count of matching tokens, including non-
                               matching tokens.
  --max-match-distance=VALUE Maximum distance between tokens to count as a
                               match. 1 = exact match.
  --min-common-token=VALUE   Percent of token that must match to count as a
                               match. 1 = every token must match.
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output.
  file1 file2                Optional. Files or additional files, if -f or -d
                               is not used or not applicalable.


  OSPC -d c:\somedir -f *.c

    Checks all *.c files in somedir with the default settings.

  OSPC c:\somedir\file1.c c:\somedir\file2.c

    Checks file1.c and file2.c using absolute paths with the default settings.

  OSPC a.c b.c

    Checks file1.c and file2.c using relative paths with the default settings.

  OSPC -c basic_profile.xml --summay --html -f *.c

    Checks all c - files in the current directory and output a html report to.\report\index.html.

   OSPC --write-config default.xml

    Writes the default configuration to default.xml

  OSPC --min-match-length=100 --max-match-distance=2 --min-common-token=0.95 --write-config basic.xml

    Writes the current configuration to basic.xml


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