
osmod / News: Recent posts

Moved to GitHub

The new code is available here. Please write for some old broken links.

Posted by surrim 2016-07-25

sultansurrim31 released

Some missing researches from OPM were added. Now you can use this script for OPM Techwar etc. I also removed the deprecated "Imba OPX" function.

Posted by surrim 2013-01-21

using git instead of svn

I decided to use git instead of svn for some reasons: smaller size (41 MiB -> 18.4 MiB), no internet connection needed for local changes, detection of moved files and git is awsome!

Posted by surrim 2012-12-18

Tower Defense

I'm on making a new Tower Defense gametype for skirmish and multiplayer. AI Players spawn at their starting position and follow set editor markers.

Posted by surrim 2012-05-27

Big changes

My earthc tool was added to build the complete wd as working OSMod.wd.
Also docs are submitted and a file for UltraEdit syntax highlighting (moon-c.uew).
Have fun with building you own osmod!

Posted by surrim 2011-01-13

sultansurrim29 released

I finished sultansurrim29. I just deleted one line which was not needed.

Posted by surrim 2010-08-21

sultansurrim28 released

My sultansurrim28 is ready. It fixes bugs for ED when big weapons are disabled and removes double researches.

Posted by surrim 2010-08-19