
#118 Long completed tasks giving alarm notifications

v1.0 (example)
d bee

I have been using osmo for business planning for almost 2 years. It helps having listed dates as to when I wanted to have things done. Osmo 0.2.14 worked quite well for that. The newer version Osmo 0.4.0 has some coding changes that produce rather annoying behaviors.

Running on Debian testing (buster) and when osmo is up its on one of more than 10 desktops.

The annoying behavior is the intermittent alarm warning nitifications from tasks some of which have been completed for almost 2 years. The check box 'hide completed tasks' has been activated.

The notifications appear and are then visible for a period of time (maybe 20 seconds at most - - - no timer to be more accurate) then they disappear only to reappear at about 2 minute intervals. As these tasks are from 2016 they really have nothing to do with now.

I have tried to revert to osmo 0.2.14 but there are dependencies where a particular version of a program is needed, sadly I cannot get them to load as what is available does not 'register' with the program.


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2017-10-21

    Hi d bee,

    Thank you for the detailed bug report.
    With it help I was able to track that annoying bug.
    The fix is commited in git, so grab the latest version from master.

    Or alternatively wait for the next minor release, we are looking into it.


    • d bee

      d bee - 2017-10-21

      On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Maxim Gordienko

      Hi d bee,

      Thank you for the detailed bug report.
      With it help I was able to track that annoying bug.
      The fix is commited in git, so grab the latest version from master.

      Or alternatively wait for the next minor release, we are looking into it.

      Thank you ever so much for your very very quick resolution to this issue!!!!

      Would that some other software groups were even 1% as quick! (Mozilla for

      Thanking you for your assistance and consideration!!!



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