
problem with install

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-01-26

    Hi I'm getting the following:
    Error 1. The command which triggered the error was:
    sudo -k $installdir/postgresplus-8.4.1-2-linux$archfilestring.bin -enable-components dbserver,postgis -disable-components slony,pgJdbc,psqlOdbc,npgsql,pgbouncer,pgmemcache,pgagent -prefix $installdir -datadir $datadir -serverport $port -mode unattended -unattendedmodeui minimal
    on line 324 of the osm2postgresql script.
    ## To delete the imported or temporary data, you might need to
    ## run something similar to this (use with care the lines with the '*'):
    # To remove osmosis temporary data:
    rm osmosis-0.*.tgz*
    rm -r /home/tim/tempOSM2012-01-26_17:26:58
    rm -r osmosis-*/
    # To delete the imported data, you may need to run:
    dropdb -h -p 5432 OSM2012-01-26_17:26:58
    # If you created a tablespace:
    echo "DROP TABLESPACE ;" | psql -h -p 5432
    # If you created a tablespace or used the -install option:
    sudo rm -r /home/tim/Postgres841/data

    I've tried removing the entire contents of the Postgres841 folder, there's nothing called temp* and there's nothing with osmosis in the name either. So it happens when I install from an "empty" setting, though I've no idea if there is anything hiding elsewhere not in ~
    This is with ubuntu

    Any suggestions?

  • Mayeul

    Mayeul - 2012-02-02

    The only part of the message which is informal about the error is the following:

    Error 1. The command which triggered the error was: sudo -k $installdir/postgresplus-8.4.1-2-linux$archfilestring.bin --enable-components dbserver,postgis --disable-components slony,pgJdbc,psqlOdbc,npgsql,pgbouncer,pgmemcache,pgagent --prefix $installdir --datadir $datadir --serverport $port --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal on line 324 of the osm2postgresql script.

    All the rest is (almost) always identical and is a default/standard message. Please note the: "you might need to run something similar to this" which means that often you do not need to run all of this to clean temporary files.

    Back to the error: from the error message there is little that says what went wrong. Maybe if you give more context it would help.
    Anyway, as stated in the help, the -install option is not recommended and is alpha quality. Better use:

    sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4-postgis postgresql-contrib-8.4

    Good tutorial is in this section:

    If you can, install postgre 9.x instead.
    Hope this helps!


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