

1.5.4 (2-Dec-2021)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2021 & 2022
  • Riccardo Corsi: Added option to enable VBOs on geometry
  • Riccardo Corsi: Set write external image hint for osgt exports

1.5.2 (3-Oct-2019)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2020
  • Fixed problem with exporting to unicode filenames

1.5.1 (22-May-2018)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2019

1.5.0 (31-Aug-2017)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2018
  • Legacy toolbar utility removed, superseded by custom toolbar actions
  • Use Indices export option removed since it is no longer supported by newer versions of OSG

1.4.0 (16-May-2016)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2017
  • Root node is exported as osg::Group instead of osg::MatrixTransform if root transform is equal to identity matrix
  • LOD helper was not including full hierarchy of child nodes

1.3.1 (16-Sep-2015)

  • Compressing cubemap images could cause corruption in subsequent compression of 2D images

1.3.0 (12-Jun-2015)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2016
  • Added option to export background maps (cube, sphere, and screen)
  • Cubemap textures support compression
  • Mix map solid color texture was not being computed correctly
  • Materials are applied to particle systems
  • Duplicate material names are modified during export to be unique

1.2.1 (24-Sep-2014)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2015
  • osg::Material attribute is applied to blend materials

1.2.0 (31-Jan-2014)

  • Magnus Kessler: Prevent DOFTransform nodes from being optimized away by marking as DYNAMIC
  • Dmitriy: Summary Info of current scene is added to descriptions of root node
  • Ian Cheung: Helper object property names changed to allow easier access from MaxScript
  • Visible children of hidden nodes were not being exported
  • Added ability to open texture format settings dialog from within export dialog
  • If vertex normals option is disabled, only a single overall normal is assigned, instead of per-primitive normals
  • Animations with negative scale were not exported correctly
  • Certain bitmaps were not being converted correctly and gamma is disabled on bitmaps during export
  • Texture compression will automatically be disabled for bitmaps with invalid compression dimensions (ie not multiple of 4)
  • Added export shapes option

    Shapes composed of multiple line groups are exported using single geometry with multiple primitive sets
    Color array of shape geometry is set to wire color

  • Alpha blending will always be enabled if opacity map is specified

    Auto alpha blend option only applies to diffuse maps with alpha channel

  • Additive transparency option of material is applied to exported BlendFunc

  • Cubemaps with alpha channels are properly exported now
  • Cubemap image could be incorrectly rotated in some cases
  • Cubemaps with empty filenames would crash during export
  • HDR bitmaps are scale/clamped to 8-bit range
  • Offset transform was incorrect in some cases
  • Name is applied to LightSource nodes
  • Fixed Unicode encoding issue when displaying error message during writing of file
  • Added extra field to normal map description data to signal whether map was in additional bump slot
  • Unknown materials are converted only if they don't contain any sub-materials

1.1.0 (11-Apr-2013)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2014 (Note: Beginning with 2014, Autodesk only supports 64-bit platforms)
  • Added ability to save/load export settings and select from a list of presets
  • Added ability to specify custom command-line for previewing exported models
  • Merged various texture image save options into single drop down list
  • Added export option for controlling texture clamp mode for non-tiled textures
  • Added export option for preserving DDS image contents (this allows exporting custom mipmaps and non-standard pixel formats)
  • Added ability to add export actions to main toolbar
  • Changed default export extension to osgb
  • Bitmap filtering mode controls min/mag filter mode of exported texture
  • Vertex colors are now only added to geometry if they are specified by user and export setting is enabled
  • Blend materials are exported
  • Unknown materials are exported
  • Container objects are exported
  • Composite maps are exported
  • Additional bump slot of normal maps are exported
  • Pointer helpers are exported as transforms nodes, instead of geodes. Existing option controls whether point geometry is created.
  • Auto alpha blend texture option is only applied if diffuse maps contains transparent pixels or if opaciy map is specified
  • UV settings for unknown maps are properly exported
  • Unit conversion option will not rescale normals
  • Unknown maps with environment mapping coordinates are exported properly now
  • Normalize normals setting is applied to stateset of root node
  • Camera rotations were being exported incorrectly (again)
  • Fixed issue where missing map channel on one object would create incorrect texture coordinates for other objects sharing the same material
  • Fixed crash when exporting unsupported particle system types
  • Export of particle systems should more accurately reflect behavior in 3ds Max
  • Alpha as mono setting added to material description data
  • Self-Illumination color setting added to material description data
  • Self-Illumination color setting is properly applied to material diffuse color

1.0.3 (7-Dec-2012)

  • 3ds Max Design installations were not being detected by installer
  • New option to export animations over individual time range, instead of over entire model time range
  • Animated UVs exported as osg::AnimationPath and added to user data field of osg::TexMat object
  • Sequence helper begin/end parameters were being applied incorrectly
  • Camera rotations were exported incorrectly
  • Description strings are added to helper nodes
  • UV mapping mode added to material description data
  • Cube map added to material description data

1.0.2 (24-May-2012)

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2013
  • Added more optimize flags to export dialog
  • CubeMap faces were being incorrectly assigned to osg::TextureCubeMap objects
  • PagedLOD files get saved at end of export process so they contain proper unit scaling
  • Laurens Voerman: Fixed crash with mixmaps and fixed issues with lighting and mixmaps
  • Laurens Voerman: Gamma correction temporarily disabled during export to prevent corrupt textures
  • double precision used for setting osg::Sequence frame times

1.0.1 (14-Sep-2011)

  • Added anisotropic filtering option for exported textures
  • Added export option for setting scale factor of self-illumination maps
  • Per-vertex alpha values will be included when exporting vertex colors
  • Faceted material setting is exported
  • Jean-Sébastien Guay: Specular color was being incorrectly divided by 9.99.
  • Installer detects Korean installations of 3dsMax
  • Fixed runtime library linking issues
  • Fixed issue where bitmaps were being incorrectly cached

1.0.0 (10-Jun-2011)

  • New export dialog
  • New option for exporting all standard material map channels (specular, bump, displacement, etc..)
  • New option for exporting material description strings
  • New option for converting units of exported model
  • Bradley Baker Searles: LOD helper nodes are inserted in scene hierarchy, instead of at root level
  • Laurens Voerman: Texture tile/mirror options are properly exported
  • Jean-Sébastien: Added CMake support
  • Normal maps are exported
  • Improved support for mix maps
  • Wire mode setting of material is exported
  • Material name is applied to corresponding osg::StateSet name
  • Embedding image data works with osgb format
  • Disabling lighting with self-illuminated baked shell materials works properly now
  • Texture coordinate array will be reused for duplicate mapping channels on each geometry

0.9.9 (21-Apr-2011)

  • IMPORTANT: The binaries for the installer were built using OpenSceneGraph 2.9.13
  • Added support for 3dsMax 2012
  • Added 64-bit support for 3dsMax 2009 and above
  • Added support for exporting to osgt/osgb formats
  • Saving images preserves original image size
  • When saving images to jpeg and an image contains an alpha channel, the image will be saved to png instead
  • Only one osg::Texture object will be created for each unique bitmap path (can greatly reduce texture usage on some models)

0.9.8 (14-Oct-2010)

  • New option to allow non-power-of-two textures
  • New option to enable freeing image data after apply
  • Changed default node mask to be same as OSG default
  • User defined properties are added to description field of exported nodes

0.9.7 (23-Apr-2010)

  • Added support for 3dsMax 2011
  • Fabien Lavignotte: Small changes to compile with OSG 2.8, hidden nodes are not preprocessed, support for Mix Texmap, and export of texture matrix.
  • Textures created from Bitmap objects are cached during export process. This speeds up export when the same Bitmap object is used in multiple materials.
  • Export textures option should work correctly now

0.9.6 (22-Jul-2009)

  • Added support for 3dsMax 2010
  • Installer properly detects non-English versions of 3dsMax and 3dsMax Design installations
  • Changed camera navigation of previewer to be more similar to 3dsMax navigation (i.e. pivot based)

0.9.5 (26-Feb-2009)

  • Added installation support for Max 2008/2009

0.9.5pre1 (?-?-2008)

  • Farshid Lashkari: User modified normals are now correctly exported. Currently, this only works for non-indexed meshes.
  • Joran: Also the name of point helpers will be exported.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Fix for the processing of materials where the exporter would not properly check for composite materials before checking if the sub-material is enabled.

0.9.4 (8-Nov-2007)

  • Farshid Lashkari: Disabled submaterials are not exported.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Texture memory usage improvements. When compressed textures is turned on, textures will immediately be compressed and uncompressed data will be released during export.
  • Nathan Hanish: Fix for normal generation with the 'use indices' flag set.
  • Daniel Sjolie: Added useOriginalTextures Option

0.9.4pre2 (27-Sep-2007)

  • Joran Jessurun: Added manual install for when the installer doesn't detect Max correctly.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Fixed bug that crashes Max 9 when using the helpers.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Fixed that too much memory was allocated for textures, which could cause out-of-memory errors.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Added two sided support for composite materials.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Fix for a small memory leak in the Options class.
  • Farshid Lashkari: Geodes, offset transforms and drawables will now be exported with a name.

0.9.4pre1 (28-Nov-2006)

  • Added support for osgSim::DOFTransform
  • Added OSG Group helper objects
  • Added the posibility to turn on or off objects when using the OSG Switch helper. (Only the first 8).
  • Added the ability to hierarchically nest OSG nodes within one another.
  • OSGExp compiles with the 3ds max 9 sdk.
  • The SDK is now located using the MAXSDK environment variable.
  • Installer detects Max9

0.9.3 (2-Okt-2006)

  • OSGExp now compiles for OSG 1.2
  • Joakim Simonsson: It is possible to select all kind of nodes for LODHelpers

0.9.3pre4 (4-Apr-2006)

  • Static Linked version
  • Made changes so that it compiles with the latest version of OpenSceneGraph

0.9.3pre3 (20-Feb-2006)

  • Added (untested) support for Architectural materials.

0.9.3pre2 (23-Jan-2006)

  • Added installation support for Max 8
  • Bug fix: Fixed exporting of the StateSet Helper. Exporting settings like polygon offset now works correctly. Problem was that statesets where shared.

0.9.3pre1 (26-Okt-2005)

  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the normal generation for billboards.
  • Bug fix: Now the reader writer options are reset. So when you turn 'include images' in ive on again, it will work.
  • Bug fix: In stead of setting self illumination to white, the diffuse color is copied to the emissive color. This way also none diffuse baked textures will work.
  • Bug fix: It doesn't crash anymore on exporting multi-materials and the Self-Illumination is handeled right.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a texture repeating bug. Negative texture coordinates would not result in texture repeating unless values became smaller then -1.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that messed up the texture coordinates. Also changed the vertex color generation in the same way.
  • Bug fix: Fixed filename output in errormessage.
  • Created a new installer for Max6 and Max7 using NSIS (
  • Added Use Alpha Blending option to the OSG StateSet helper object.
  • Added support for PolygonOffset.
  • Added support for PolygonMode
  • Added support for Point helpers.
  • Added support for Dummy helpers. A dummy helper will be exported as an empty group.
  • Added Self Illumination map export. Can be used for applying light maps (multi texture) using Render to Texture from Max.
  • Automaticly turn two sided lighting on for two sided materials.
  • When saving as ive and a texture compression is selected, the images will be saved compressed in the ive file. Behaviour taken from osgconv.
  • Made the following features optional (using the export dialog):
    • The exporting of opacity maps
    • The exporting of unknown maps
    • The automaticy setting the alpha blending for materials where the texture map has an alpha channel.
    • The automaticly turing on two sided lighting if the material is two sided.
    • The exporting of the self illumination map
    • The exporting of point helpers
  • Modified stateset helper to a super stateset helper. Idea based on the OSGExp of Emmanuel Roche. It modifies the stateset helper by adding a number of rollups:
    • GLMode rollup
    • RenderBin rollup
    • PolygonOffset rollup
    • PolygonMode rollup
  • Improved animation support from Emmanuel Roche including dummy animation and group animation.
  • When using the setDiffuseToWhite color not only the diffuse component is set to white, but also the ambient component is converted to gray.
  • Only set the emissive color when it is turned on. Otherwize set it to black.
  • Modified the project files so that Hybrid is now called Debug and that the debug version now outputs OSGExpd and OSGHelperd files.
  • Modified the project files so that when the project is put in the same directory as OpenScenegraph, Producer and OpenThreads, the include files and library files are automaticly located. So no need to put these in the global VisualStudio settings. The only paths that need to be put in the visual studio include and lib paths are those for the maxsdk.

0.9.2b (5-Dec-2003)

  • Support for the new osgUtil::Optimizer including Tri Strip Geometry, Merge Geometry, Flatten Static Transforms, Share Duplicate State, and Spatialize Groups.
  • Every node is optimized to use STATIC datavariance instead of OSG's default DYNAMIC.
  • Small bug fixes.

0.9.2a (22-Nov-2003)

  • Support for PagedLOD - just check the PagedLOD box in the LOD helper object and OSGExp does the rest ;-)
  • Better support for Opacity maps, it is now possible to specify the blend amount.
  • Better support for standard and default NodeMasks, introducing Terrain, Collision, No Collision and Custom NodeMasks.
  • OSGExp now comes with a simpel preview function directly from within 3ds max.

0.9.2 (6-Okt-2003)

  • OSGExp version 0.9.2 is released as Open Source

(Summer 2003)

  • OSGExp goes beta - thanks to all the beta testers!

(Spring 2003)

  • OSGExp is used for real time architechtual visualization of the new head quarter of the Danish Broadcast Cooperation in Örestaden.


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