
osFinancials Accounting Software / News: Recent posts

osFinancials Beta released

Changes 1-0.1.3 -> 1-0-1-4

osFinancials Functionality added

* Optimized Bank import batch the full description of the imported statements is now reable.
* Bank import type is rememberd per bank per set of books.
* In pay creditors you can now edit the description. This gets exported in the clieop file.
* Added a SQL limit for stockitems so diverent users can view diverent stockitem. (under access control tab documents).
* Backup path is now per set of books and stored in the INI
* Draft version of the reportman report for balance sheet..... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-09-11

osFinancials Beta released

Changes 1-0.1.2 -> 1-0-1-3

In osFinancials

* Added new report DLL with replacement of the batch reportscreen.
* Made screen smaller when launching plugins so they dont disapear behind the main form.
* Build with the latest fastmm4 memory manager.

In osCommerce Plugin

* Renaming of content into the GUI
* New property "edit items". If this is off, osC import will not edit existing items in osF with osC data.

Posted by Janneman 2006-09-06

osFinancials Beta released

There is a new Beta release of osFinancials.

Changes 1-0.1.0 -> 1-0-1-2


* osFinancials Added column sdescription in openitem from batch
* Optimized global Search even more.


* Recon SQL error with usa / afr books.
* Printing stock labels
* Discount percentage in invoice entry with more than 1 ship gave wrong discount amount.
* Balans report showed last year with double amounts.
* CTRL+p (print) showed the wrong dropdown item in initial state of the screen. ... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-09-02

osFinancials SVN repository activated

Yesterday we have uploaded the sources to the Subversion system at
Registered developers can download the sources and upload their changes.
Unregisted users can do a anonymous download.

Posted by Janneman 2006-08-28

osFinancials Stable Version 1.0.1 released

osFinancials 1.0.1 - Expierence the freedom
The osFinancials team released her Stable 1.0.1 version to the public.

Now already the software has 3000 downloads only for the installer. That's enormous and we did get so many positive reactions.
We did bugfixing only. Al users are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.

Here is the change list:

* Posting Documents - Corrected VAT posting to Cost Account.
If you encounter a unbalance in your trail balance, you are affected by this problem. It can easily be corrected by Reverse Posted Documents for the inserted documents in version 1.0 only and post them again to the General Ledger.
* Welcome screen can now switch off
* Processing screen sometimes hung
* Print multi documents at once
* Optimized search screen processing
* Reverse Posted Documents can be sorted now

Posted by Janneman 2006-08-25

Press Release osFinancials

Different vision lead to split ('fork') of TurboCASH and start osFinancials

August 15, 2006, The Netherlands

Differences in vision regarding rights, future plans and infrastructure, recently lead to a split ('fork') into Open Source Accounting project TurboCASH. The total Dutch development team resigned and is going forward as osFinancials. This new project is home based in Stichting osFinancials Foundation.... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-08-16

osFinancials Stable Version 1.0 released

As promised to you, the osFinancials team released her stable 1.0 version to the public.

With the pre-release we counted already more then 1300 downloads only for the installer. An other 350 downloads are for the sources also available.

We have taken into account your comments made for the pre-release. Thank you for that! Due to the fact that you commented on the pre-release we could optimize this version.... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-08-15

osFinancials Release Candidate 1 released

We are proud to present you our first release of osFinancials. It futures a lot of functionality where most accounting software vendors will ask you a high price.

* Easy Step-by-step Installation
* Create infinite Sets of Books with ease
* Create up to 9999 Accounts, 999 Sub-Accounts and 10 Bank Accounts
* Create up to 1.000.000 Debtor and Creditor Accounts
* Create up to 1.000.000 Stock Items
* Create Invoices and Documents in 3 easy steps
* Process Transactions in up to 256 Batches / Journals
* Comprehensive Reports
* Robust Access Control
* Easy Bank Reconciliation
* Internet and Network Capabilities
* Point-of-Sale
* Plug-in Software
* Multi-lingual
* Country Specific Accounts
* Full Stock Control
* XML Export and Import
* T-Account Viewer
* Advanced Search Engine
* Easy Backup/Restore
* VAT/GST Accounting
* osCommerce webshop plugin
* multi-user
* and many more... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-07-28

Welcome to osFinancials

If you've read anything at all about accounting software, you'll probably know at least three things: Financial administration is a must for every organisation to do business, accounting software can be really, I mean really, complicated and lastly accountingsoftware is absolutely, outrageously, often unaffordably expensive.

osFinancials is set to change all that ... osFinancials is different from the normal models for accounting software. For a start, it's not complicated. osFinancials has been developed for the masses. It's licensed under the GNU/GPL license, easy to install and administer and reliable.
osFinancial features:... read more

Posted by Janneman 2006-07-28