
osFinancials 4-0-0-j build 444

In this version of osFinancials we mostly fixed problems that where found by our user base.
We again bring you our progress in this accounting package and hope you can appreciate it.

We will go in to a long term release with our 4 version so there will only be bug fixes for the next coming 3 years.


download update (General update for all versions)

download full international


* Batches : The payments of debtor and creditor did not work on the new dataset (it was broken).
* Batches : Finding a account in a larger dataset was very slow.
* Batches : Looking for a code did not focus the code that starts with that code.
* Batches : The question to create a account when a code is entered that is not found is fixed.
* Batch list : Totals did not calculate sometimes cause of a column missing fixed now.
* Reportman reports where updated also with help from Digidan (thank you).
* Backorder was adding the wrong price to the table when a document was processed, please check the prices of your back orders.
* export functions like excel was still using wide strings changed it to utf8string. (now its readble)


* Batch entry : Now more data of a debtor or creditor is showed.
* Optimized code so smaller plug-ins and smaller executable.
* Groups now default unfold (speeds up loading).

Posted by PieterValentijn 2013-04-09 Labels: add a osFinancials tag debtor ledger software creditor batch entry account accounting reports

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