
#73 Moved installations

Tim Gall

Hi there,

I've moved my OST installation. Now, on the front end, whenever an FAQ is clicked, it still references the original path such as /support, when the new path is /ost. How does one go about fixing this without doing a re-install and possibly hurting the database structure? Thanks again.


  • Tim Gall

    Tim Gall - 2015-12-19

    Sounds like you need to update the root paths in the osFaq config file.
    The files located at: faq/include/config.faq.php
    The lines you want to edit are 31, 32, 38 and 40

    You can do it by running the installer and editting the paths at the first step of installation (then stop the installer and remove the setup folder for security reasons). You could also do it manually (instructions below).

    Change lines 31 and 32 to your servers domain (with no trailing / slash):
    define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://' . SERVER_DOMAIN);
    define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://' . SERVER_DOMAIN);

    Change lines 38 and 40 to the servers root filepaths (with leading slash for linux machines or drive letter for windows).
    define('OSF_DOC_ROOT', $osfConf_DocRootDir);//DOCUMENT_ROOT
    define('DIR_FS_WEB_ROOT', $osfConf_WRDir);

    Doc root is the absolute filepath of the server and web root is the absolute web path. The absolute web path is from doc root to your osTicket installation.. EG: for your install it would be: /ost


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-12-19

    Thanks Tim. I'm trying to migrate my installation to Amazon's AWS. It has been a challenge in some instances it just resolves and all works perfect and in others, the front page of the FAQ just doesn't work even though the root paths are the same prior to migration. From absolute root being domain/support to domain/support, still doesn't seem to work, I don't know if something is simply not setup to be writeable. Click on the front page items and it won't process the links

  • Tim Gall

    Tim Gall - 2015-12-20

    I cant access the site,,, can you verify the link.
    Meanwhile I think I know what the problem is... please check your .htaccess file in the sites root directory. The .htaccess entry for the basepath needs updating to your new path.
    It should be something like:
    RewriteBase /support/
    you want to update it to your new path /ost/ or whatever you make it.
    EG: RewriteBase /ost/
    The other option is to turn SEO friendly URLs off in the osfaq settings page.




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