
Open Source Etailer / News: Recent posts

oselib-v1-20060905-snapshot is ready

I've replaced MochiKit in favor of dojo toolkit. The viewsrc code has been modified to work with dojo and I've added a jslib parameter to the doc:page tag to support adding javascript libraries. The onload parameter of the doc:page tag was modified to call dojo.addOnLoad instead of altering the body tag.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-09-05

oselib-v1-20060725-snapshot is ready

I've added MochiKit and SourceHighlighter javascript libraries to this release. I modified the doc:page tag to include the script tags to include these libraries upon loading. The site will give you a look at the SourceHighlighting combined with the MochiKit library to give you a view of the source files for the site.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-07-25

oselib-v1-20060705-snapshot is ready

This update adds some new taglib tags, news, newscolumn and menuitem. I've also revamped the menu taglib to point the the WEB-INF/menu .menu file.

I've worked on the entire set of generated html to make it validate with the validator. I'll be adding a doc:validator tag to emit the appropriate links for the CSS and XHTML validators in the near future.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-07-05

OSEtailer development needs help

I am looking for anyone with desire to help with design, coding, documentation, presentation, graphics and locale translation. Coding is stored in subversion format for easy updating a revision control.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-07-02

oselib-v1-20060702-snapshot is ready

I updated the v1a release with this weeks changes and it is now ready for your use. I improved the style handling, moved the ApplicationResources to a location that better suites the product->application naming convention and updated the about.psp and about.cmf to reflect the changes.

I will be working to make the site that contains the released snapshot and create another virtual site that will keep the svn changes updated every 15 minutes via cron. To allow the development to be seen real time.

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-07-02

Snapshot: OSELIB v1a - Milestone 1

OSELIB - A PHP RAD Application MVC Engine for Online Business

I've released a snapshot of the backend engine for OSEtailer. The OSELIB product can be used by anyone and everyone who wants RAD PHP applications. This release marks the first milestone for the OSEtailer Application Suite. The next milestone is a snapshot release of OSETOOLS which will provide a RAD Development Environment to enhance the OSELIB framework.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-06-27

OSELIB- A PHP RAD Application MVC Engine for Online Business

OSELIB is the backend library and API that will provide RAD for the OSEtailer suite of applications. The OSELIB code is being stored in the SVN repository and can be viewed in action at A snapshot release of OSELIB will be completed sometime in July 2006. OSELIB is using a PHP MVC library named Studs and created by Dan Allen. Studs was developed and designed after the Jakarta Struts MVC and makes use of taglib tecnology to implement the front end templates. I have added to that library and now have a osetailer-doc taglib that is designed to remove all content from the template and placed into files and/or tables with locale distinguishers in place.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2006-06-26

Open Source Etailer - OSEtailer

OSEtailer has begun project operation. OSEtailer will deliver a product in two phases. The first phase will deliver a product I've dubbed zen-cart-plus and the second phase will deliver a product named OSEtailer. OSEtailer will be modularized with modern design techniques using PHP and the wonderful PEAR library and is being planned to provide a full product suite for the online etailer. Zen-cart-plus will be a product that contains zen-cart-1.2.6d plus contributions.... read more

Posted by Earnie Boyd 2005-12-20