
Orange Software Macros IDE for COM / News: Recent posts

Description of OSM:

This is a complete IDE for VBScript that can run standalone but was designed with the intent to be embedded into other applications. Should be able to work with any COM language – C/C++, Delphi, .NET, and of course classic VB. Unfortunately I never got this project completely polished due to my day job, hoping the community will help me with that.

Features Include:
Color coding
Indention Guides
Collapsible Code
Object Browser
Function Tips
VBScript Language Reference Help
Forms Support with a dozen ActiveX controls for building complex forms
Most other activeX controls CAN be used
Debugging – Breakpoints
Debugging – Code Stepping
Debugging – Local Variables
Debugging – Call Stack
Debugging – Immediate Window... read more

Posted by Ken Foust 2009-04-08

Orange Sofware Macros Now Available

Orange Software Macros has finally been released for download at

Posted by Ken Foust 2009-04-08