
Database Test Suite / News: Recent posts

OSDL Database Test 2 Supports MySQL

Support for MySQL has been added to this test workload.

Posted by Mark Wong 2004-06-25

OSDL Database Test 1 Support JBoss

An application server has been implemented for this workload to be used with JBoss.

Posted by Mark Wong 2004-06-18

OSDL Database Test 2 Support for Solaris

Database Test 2 (DBT-2) v0.22 now compiles and runs on Solaris. The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions.

Posted by Mark Wong 2004-04-06

osdl-dbt1-v2.0 is released

Release v2.0
This is the same release we used on OSDL STP. For a sample report, visit:

We stopped supporting the SAPDB version now. I do not guarantee that the SAPDB version still work.

Major bug fixes:

. In the shopping_cart stored procedure, fixed a variable name which caused deadlock problem.
. In the InsertCust stored procedure, fixed a variable type (char->varchar) to get rid of the tailing spaces in c_uname
. fixed several usage information
. checked all the .pl and .sh scripts to get rid of relative paths, the real path names are generated by configure... read more

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2004-01-16

OSDL Database Test 2 Support for PostgreSQL

Database Test 2 (DBT-2) v0.8 now includes C stored functions for PostgresSQL. The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performance results for Linux.

Posted by Mark Wong 2003-08-01

dbt3-v1.3 is released

dbt3-v1.3 is released. This release contains:
added dbt3 PostgreSQL version
The structure is rearranged
Updated user manual for both SAPDB and PostgreSQL

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2003-07-23

OSDL-DBT-3 PostgreSQL version is available

OSDL-DBT-3 has been ported to PostgreSQL.

The kit is available to do performance runs. Thing on my to do list:
1. change result report script to analyze database statistics
2. database tuning
3. complete the documents.

Though the porting is not complete, I would like to make it available to those who is interested. Due to the difficulties I have experienced with SF, I can not check in the latest code. So I released a tarball(dbt3-postgresql).... read more

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2003-06-21

dbt1 PostGres kit

Engineers at BULL.NET has ported dbt1 to PostGreSQL.
Satoshi Nagayasu and his team is reviewing/improving it. Before we merge it to the orginal dbt1 kit, it is available as a tarball release.

> I list below different remarks on our work and modifications on DBT1
> sources :
> 1. As we did not find any history in the source files, we have written
> in some header comment our Names. The goal is to confirm the Bull
> image as a contributor on Open Source Software.
> 2. The main difficulties to port DBT1 on PostgreSQL is linked to the
> fact that PL/pgSQL doesn't support OUT parameters in stored
> functions. So, we have chosen to slide some Transaction code from
> the Stored Proc to C / ODBC code in "interfaces/odbc". But there
> are at least 2 others solutions :
> o Use PL/pgSQL functions which return cursors. We try that, it
> could work on the PL/pgSQL but we have been blocked on ODBC.
> We haven't found how to return cursor through ODBC API.
> o Generate temporaries tables for the results of SELECT
> instructions. We haven't chosen this solution as it change the
> Transaction to the Spec clauses.
> 3. As our goal is to evaluate PostgreSQL, so, we don't use the DBT1
> Server Cache functions.
> 4. In PostgreSQL there aren't the built-in function addtime() and
> adddate() which exist in SAPDB. We have created one : addTime(J
> HH:MI:SS), i put it in the storedproc but until now, we use
> PostgreSQL built-in function tomorrow() and current_date(). See the
> files : InsertCust.sql, updateCustInfo.sql, and buyconfirm.sql.
> 5. Please note that appServer and dbdriver_p2 have to be launch with
> "PostgreSQL" privileges (DBA). Other users cause errors. We haven't
> yet identified why.
> 6. In include/common.h the macro SHOPPING_CART_MAX has changed from 20
> to 10. The reason is that the maximum number of parameters in a
> PL/pgSQL is 32.
> 7. ODBC driver. We use UNIXODBC 2.2.4 driver and programs are linked
> to
> 8. Datagen : we have limited the a_string_char to the alpha numeric
> chars as other chars ('~?./+-[]{} ...) have special meaning in
> PostgreSQL. So, common.h and common.c have been modified. I would
> suggest you also, to give to ability to generate the *.data file in
> an other file system. Big database could lead to block the
> generating process due to the FS size.
> Please, fell free to ask me questions if something does not work.

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2003-05-01

OSDL-DBT-3 v1.0 is released

OSDL Database Test 3(OSDL-DBT-3) is released. This kit provides workload simulating decision support for Ad Hoc Queries.

Under the directory dbt3/doc, a README file gives a summary of all the documents.

Although OSDL-DBT-3 is implemented for SAPDB, porting to other database does not require much work.

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2003-01-18

dbt3 architecture document available

dbt3 architecture document is available at dbt3/doc. This document gives a brief introduction to tpc-h and how dbt3 will be implemented.

DBT3 will be developed for SAPDB. But it is designed in a way that porting to other database involves only rewriting the query templates.

Your comments are welcome,


Posted by Jenny Zhang 2002-10-04

dbt1-v1.1.4 is available

dbt1-v1.1.4 is available.

The changes include:
added autocommit_off flag in so that each transaction is commited immediately

Get rid of -9405 error by using variables instead of expressions in the storedproc

fixed a bug in DigSyl storedproc

Fixed dbdriver so that more new users are created during the run

The run result using the new kit is posted at: read more

Posted by Jenny Zhang 2002-10-04

Version 0.4 of the OSDL Database Test 2 has been released

The logic of the driver has been corrected and a new tool to parse the data ouput from the driver has been added.

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-08-21

OSDL Database Test 2 v0.3

A new version of the OSDL Database Test 2 has been released with a functional driver.

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-08-15

OSDL Database Test 2 v0.2

The OSDL has release v0.2. The noteable changes are a fixed New-Order transaction and the completion of a function client program.

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-08-06

OSDL Begins Development of Database Test 2

The OSDL has begun development of Database Test 2, an OLTP database workload based on the TPC-C. To see the current state of the project, visit:

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-07-23

OSDL Database Test 1 Update

The OSDL has released an update to the OSDL-DBT-1 test kit. The current version is now v1.1. For more details, please see:

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-07-18

OSDL Introduces OSDL-DBT-1

The first of a series of OSDL-sponsored open source database workloads has been released!

Posted by Mark Wong 2002-05-17