
Tree [577a8f] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .externalToolBuilders 2013-02-19 Ted Leung Ted Leung [3a8d7d] change web services to use https exclusively
 .settings 2016-11-27 anniezhou91 anniezhou91 [1c1531] Merge branch caisi_12_1 back to trunk to have f...
 catalina_base 2014-11-03 Ted Leung Ted Leung [531335] update catalina_base for tomcat7
 database 2016-06-21 Randall Jonasz Randall Jonasz [52e28b] OSCAREMR-5773 Enhanced Resident Chart Review/Ve...
 docs 2015-10-20 Brandon Aubie Brandon Aubie [8d87d2] #4152 WS methods through OAUTH need to be exposed
 local_repo 2016-12-13 Ronnie Cheng Ronnie Cheng [fc0c40] OSCAREMR-5820 Add Single Sign-on to ClinicalCon...
 release 2016-02-26 Peter Hutten-Czapski Peter Hutten-Czapski [a82d57] #3429 updated packaging scripts to current
 src 2017-03-24 Jason Gallagher Jason Gallagher [387ca8] OSCAREMR-6126 Fixes errors with Surveillance mo...
 utils 2017-03-24 Jason Gallagher Jason Gallagher [577a8f] #1102 Added ability to:
 .checkstyle 2012-09-24 Nick Goupinets Nick Goupinets [a16395] Updated build path for Eclipse. This way m2e wo...
 .classpath 2016-11-27 anniezhou91 anniezhou91 [1c1531] Merge branch caisi_12_1 back to trunk to have f...
 .gitignore 2015-10-20 Brandon Aubie Brandon Aubie [8d87d2] #4152 WS methods through OAUTH need to be exposed
 .project 2016-11-27 anniezhou91 anniezhou91 [1c1531] Merge branch caisi_12_1 back to trunk to have f...
 3RDPARTYLICENSES 2012-05-09 hexbinary hexbinary [534d2b] 3rd party licensing - a start
 COPYING 2012-05-01 hexbinary hexbinary [5394ca] GPL v2 full license 2012-01-18 Ted Leung Ted Leung [bd139a] more allergy calls use JPA dao, also pushing al...
 copy_jsps.xml 2012-01-18 Ted Leung Ted Leung [bd139a] more allergy calls use JPA dao, also pushing al...
 jspc.xml 2015-04-08 Marc Dumontier Marc Dumontier [bf2a79] java 8 build updates
 pom.xml 2016-12-02 Marc Dumontier Marc Dumontier [81b419] #1435 Extend the local dashboard to integrate ...
 readme.txt 2015-04-10 Ted Leung Ted Leung [64c407] test blank commit to make sure gerrit is working
 set_env.bat 2013-02-15 Marc Dumontier Marc Dumontier [07cfe1] bug fixes so that the build works on windows 7 2015-09-02 Rohan Pavone Rohan Pavone [e2f75c] Bug#2863 Make an Appointment screen, error mess...

Read Me

OSCAR McMaster Project

These are not necessarily requirements but the version of software used by the author of this read me at the time of this writing. Generally speaking any newer version should work.
- mysql 5.1.52
- jdk1.6.0_23
- tomcat-6.0.29
- maven 2.2.1
- ant 1.8.1

catalina_base : is a catalina_base that's provided, it can be useful as a starting point for deployments or development.
database : contains sql scripts to initialise the database schema.
docs : developer style documentation
local_repo : a maven repository for libraries not found at the publicly accessible maven repositories.
src : the source code for this project, structured in a standard maven structure.
utils : some random utilities and files we don't have anywhere else to put.

This is a standard maven project. "mvn package" should create a target directory and there should be a war file in there.

To test jsp compilations, as well as run pmd, run "mvn verify". You will need your CATALINA_HOME environment variable set

For developers, if you are doing testing and need to skip the junit test, pmd checks, and checkstyle checks, do "mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dpmd.skip=true package". You should always try to run it with full checks before committing though.

If you run the unit tests, maven needs a live MySQL database to load the schema, and test data into, as well as to perform the checks.
The defaults are a database named 'oscar_test', and full credentials to it for user 'oscar' and password 'oscar'. You can override
these properties if they don't suit you. The properties are available in src/test/resources/ You can make your
own file and run maven with -Doscar_override_properties=/<full_path>/ and those values will take prescendence.

NetBeans Note
If you are running the unit tests, and using your own override properties file in Netbeans, use 

Add this to a netbeans build.xml file for it to build and run.

<target name="-post-compile">
        <echo message="deleting hbm.xml files from src directory." />
                <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}/src/" includes="**/*.hbm.xml"/>