
OSCAR 5.0 released

The Open Cluster Group is please to announce the release of
OSCAR version 5.0.

New features:

+ Completely reworked infrastructure:
* smart package managers: automatic dependency resolution
* yum based image build and package install
* supporting multiple distros on the same cluster
* repository based
* easier client updating from repositories
* simple update path for master, clients, images
* new package and database structure, prepared for debian support
* optimized and faster startups
* new prerequisites handling

+ modular distribution tarballs, smaller downloads

+ systemimager 3.7.5 with many new features:
* deployment monitoring
* scalable bittorrent deployment
* deployment kernel + UYOK (use your own kernel)

+ New and updated packages:
* OpenMPI 1.1.1
* Maui 3.2.6p14
* Torque 2.0.0p8
* SGE 6.0u8
* LAM MPI 7.1.2
* MPICH 1.2.7
* Ganglia 3.0.3
* SC3: scalable C3 tools with image based addressing
* management panel: single entry point for simple management tasks

Supported distributions:

Distribution Architecture Tarball name part
Fedora Core 4 i386 fc-4-i386
Fedora Core 4 x86_64 fc-4-x86_64
Fedora Core 5 i386 fc-5-i386
Fedora Core 5 x86_64 fc-5-x86_64
Mandriva 2006 i386 mdv-2006-i386
SuSE Linux 10.0 (OpenSUSE) i386 suse-10.0-i386
Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 WS/AS i386 rhel-4-i386
Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 WS/AS x86_64 rhel-4-x86_64
Scientific Linux 4 i386 rhel-4-i386
Scientific Linux 4 x86_64 rhel-4-x86_64
CentOS 4 i386 rhel-4-i386
CentOS 4 x86_64 rhel-4-x86_64

Posted by Erich Focht 2006-11-12

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