
#744 No /dev/shm device on compute nodes

5.0 (deprecated)

The /dev/shm device is missing on compute nodes. We use
this device for various tests/runs in the HPC environment.

This device is added to the fstab file by default in a normal
installation. The oscarmaster script doesn't include this
option when it builds the fstab on compute nodes.

Since this is standard configuration for Red Hat head node
installs, and is sometimes needed for HPC applications, the
oscarmaster script should inlcude the following line during
the fstab creation:

none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0


  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-08
    • milestone: --> 5.0 (deprecated)
  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-21
    • assigned_to: nobody --> majestik
  • Paul Greidanus

    Paul Greidanus - 2005-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    This looke like an issue with SiSuite that Oscar uses to
    generate images. Or rather, in trying to get this working,
    we have found that sisuite does not have a good way to allow
    for the mounting of /dev/shm. Email bsing sent to
    sisuite-devel right away to figure out resolution.

    Leaving ticket open until resolved in sisuite.

  • Paul Greidanus

    Paul Greidanus - 2005-11-24
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • status: open --> open-later