
#743 csh and i18n on OSCAR nodes

5.0 (deprecated)

The /etc/profile.d/less.csh script expects to
find /etc/sysconfig/i18n. If it’s missing, as it is on every
OSCAR compute node, ssh or login generates an error.

According to Red Hat, their installer creates this file, so the
issue occurs only with non-standard installs, like SiS.

I’ve fixed the issue with cpush /etc/sysconfig/i18n after
install and by updating the oscarimage.

It would be nice to have the this file automatically copied
from the head node to any new client image. I think it's safe
to assume that the language settings on the compute nodes
can be identical to the head node.


  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-21
    • milestone: 473437 --> 539428
  • Thomas Naughton

    Thomas Naughton - 2005-11-21

    Logged In: YES

    Can you please post the error msg. I just tried to recreate
    this under Fedora Core 4, with compute nodes *not* having
    this /etc/sysconfig/i18n and my user's default shell is

    All i got was the standard xauth error,

    finger foobar
    Login: foobar Name: FooBar
    Directory: /home/foobar Shell: /bin/csh
    Never logged in.
    No mail.
    No Plan.
    [foobar@headnode ~]$ whoami
    [foobar@headnode ~]$ ssh oscarnode1
    Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for
    X11 forwarding.
    Last login: Mon Nov 21 15:52:25 2005 from headnode

  • Thomas Naughton

    Thomas Naughton - 2005-11-29

    Logged In: YES

    Need more info/response to reproduce problem.

  • John

    John - 2005-11-29

    Logged In: YES

    Can we get the error message? We can't seem to reproduce this.

  • Jeremy Siadal

    Jeremy Siadal - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    The error occurs in /etc/profile.d/less.csh)
    It fails with the error:
    LANG: Undefined variable.

    I quick look shows that $LANG is set
    in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. I only use RHEL 3 and 4 for

    How is $LANG being defined on your Fedora nodes, or is
    less.csh non-existent?

  • Jeremy Siadal

    Jeremy Siadal - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    The error occurs in /etc/profile.d/less.csh)
    It fails with the error:
    LANG: Undefined variable.

    I quick look shows that $LANG is set
    in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. I only use RHEL 3 and 4 for

    How is $LANG being defined on your Fedora nodes, or is
    less.csh non-existent?

  • Thomas Naughton

    Thomas Naughton - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    # Below info from FC4/x86 system

    This "VARNAME: Undefined variable" is the same thing I ran
    into for my perl5lib-profile-oscar pkg. Ironically I
    discovered my bug when I was trying to reproduce your bug. :)
    (See also: Bug#1364170)

    I definately don't see the LANG error in my tests on FC4. I
    just looked and there does not appear to be a reference to
    LANG on the FC4 from '/etc/profile.d/less.csh'.

    root# cat /etc/profile.d/less.csh
    # less initialization script (csh)
    if ( -x /usr/bin/ ) then
    setenv LESSOPEN "|/usr/bin/ %s"

    This '/usr/bin/' is a big nasty shell script but
    doesn't contain a reference to LANG either,

    root# grep -ic LANG /usr/bin/
    root# grep -ic LANG /etc/profile.d/less.csh

    It appears that the LANG value is setup by a standalone
    profile.d scripts,

    And no other references are made directly from other
    profile.d scripts,

    root# grep -ic LANG /etc/profile.d/*

    Does that info help?

  • Thomas Naughton

    Thomas Naughton - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    I checked and FC4 also sets LANG in '/etc/sysconfig/i18n'.
    I removed that file from the system and tried my test again
    (becoming a users with default shell set to '/bin/csh') and
    didn't see any errors (other than my PERL5LIB error, which I

    Also, the LANG value is indeed *not* set. :)
    root# su - tjntest

    tjntest$ echo $LANG
    LANG: Undefined variable.
    tjntest$ ls -l /etc/sysconfig/i18n
    ls: /etc/sysconfig/i18n: No such file or directory

    So looks like this is definately i18n related and possibly
    specific to RHEL's? So my testing isn't much help from FC4 :)

  • Thomas Naughton

    Thomas Naughton - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    Restated, on your system, less.csh makes use of LANG and on
    the compute nodes this value is not set b/c OSCAR+SIS
    doesn't setup the '/etc/sysconfig/i18n' file.

    BTW, we just checked on CentOS 4.1 and didn't have the LANG
    error but did confirm if something similar existed it would
    be annoying b/c it would show up in all cexec cmds for the
    user with 'csh' as his shell. ;)

  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    I recommend a docfix for 4.2.1 and we will copy
    /etc/sysconfig/i18n to the image in trunk (5.0).

    Jeremy, on my test system (RHEL4u2 x86, workstation
    install), I have no problems when I ssh as a user using csh.
    Did you install anything out of the ordinary that might
    have triggered this? This is what my
    /etc/profile.d/less.csh looks like:

    # less initialization script (csh)
    if ( -x /usr/bin/ ) then
    setenv LESSOPEN "|/usr/bin/ %s"

  • Jeremy Siadal

    Jeremy Siadal - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    Based on the comments in the Red Hat Bugzilla item, they
    likely have fixed the problem. This would explain why
    Fedora Core 4 and RHEL4U2 are OK.

    The less script from RHEL3U5 looks like this:

    # less initialization script (csh)
    if ( -x /usr/bin/ ) then
    setenv LESSOPEN "|/usr/bin/ %s"

    if ( $?LC_ALL ) then
    setenv LANGVAR $LC_ALL
    setenv LANGVAR $LANG

    if ( `echo $LANGVAR | cut -b 7- | tr -
    s "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` == "EUCJP" ) then
    setenv JLESSCHARSET japanese-euc
    if ( `echo $LANGVAR | cut -b 7- | tr -
    s "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` == "EUCKR" ) then
    setenv JLESSCHARSET korean

    $LC_ALL is not usually set and $LANG is set in i18n. Since
    i18n is missing on nodes, csh generates one error per node
    every time c3 utilities are used.

    The fix looks good.

  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> miedward
  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    Okay this is definitely a doc fix then. However, we need to
    check Fedora Core 2 and 3 to see if it needs to be
    documented on those systems too. Or we can just say "on
    some Linux distrbutions..."

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards - 2005-12-01
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-12-13
    • milestone: 539428 --> 5.0 (deprecated)
    • assigned_to: miedward --> nobody
    • status: open-works-for-me --> open-accepted
  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-12-13

    Logged In: YES

    Docfixed in branch, moving to group 5.0.

  • Bernard Li

    Bernard Li - 2005-12-14
    • assigned_to: nobody --> majestik