That's right, there is a new Oscar update!
First things first, some preliminary information:
1. The Oscar release package is now divided into multiple pieces to
reduce its size; you only need to download the main
oscar_20020502.jar package -- the new installer will allow you to
choose the other components you want to install.
2. It appears that Source Forge is having some difficulties lately,
because I am having trouble downloading, it freezes for long
periods of time -- I don't believe this is related to the new
install routine because I am using it with another project and
also because I am also having difficulties downloading from Source
Forge with Mozilla.
Now for some highlights of this release:
1. OSGi security permissions -- now it is possible to run Oscar with
the security manager enabled! I am fairly confident in the
security features, but I surely would appreciate some stress tests!
2. An improved HttpService, thanks to Rob Walker.
3. A handful of new bundles.
For more details, read the changes.html document at:
Have fun.
-> richard