
FPDF error: Could not include font metric fil

  • Quinton Berry

    Quinton Berry - 2008-09-19

    Can anyone tell me why this error is appearing. I think it has something to do with PDF font file not being present or is corrupt. FPDF error: Could not include font metric file

    • Steve McAtee

      Steve McAtee - 2008-09-19

      Hi Quinton,

      I need a little more information.  Which report are you running?  What platform are you on?  Any idea what font it is looking for?



      • Quinton Berry

        Quinton Berry - 2008-09-19


        It was the Membership directory report. Not sure which font it needs. The error didn't give an indication. I'm running on a linux platform on The page address is Use this login to get logged in. Steve is the login and password.

        • Steve McAtee

          Steve McAtee - 2008-09-20

          Quinton figured it out.  He emailed me the following.


          Thanks for the hint. I checked the font files. Sure enough there were a couple
          of font files with 0 bytes attached. I deleted and copied the entire font file
          back into it position. The Membership directory report works great!!! Thank
          you so much for an awesome program. Hopefully, some funds can be donated to
          this cause soon.

    • Steve McAtee

      Steve McAtee - 2008-09-19


      I saw you emailed me directly.  Can you post your response here so everyone can see.


    • Quinton Berry

      Quinton Berry - 2008-09-19
    • Quinton Berry

      Quinton Berry - 2008-09-20


      Thanks for the hint. I checked the font files. Sure enough there were a couple of font files with 0 bytes attached. I deleted and copied the entire font file back into it position. The Membership directory report works great!!! Thank you so much for an awesome program. Hopefully, some funds can be donated to this cause soon.



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