
#1 OSAF-TK RC2 Changelog


OSAF-TK RC2 Changelog (apt update, upgrade, dist-upgrade performed on 3/31/12)

  • exported PATHS under root account
    • you can now type the following commands to start tools under the root account
      • android (starts Android sdk)
      • adb (starts adb commands)
        • adb devices (starts adb daemon)
        • adb shell (starts adb shell interaction with AVD or physical device)
        • ect....
      • apktool (starts apktool)
      • dex2jar (starts dex2jar script)
        • EX. dex2jar /PathToAPK/xxxx.apk
      • jdgui (starts jdgui)
  • Start-up scripts created for the following tools
    • APKinspector
    • APKTool
    • Chromium Browser
      • Starts up Chromium Browser with working APK Downloader homepage.
    • JarCompare
    • JD-Gui
  • Added Tools
    • Android Pattern Bypass Instructions (Oxygen Forensics Article)
      • Includes Android Gesture SHA1 Dicionary
    • Android Physical Forensics
      • instruction on how to perform DD images of the physical system
    • viaForensics Open Source Android Forensics Tools
      • AFLogical-OSE (Logical Android Forensics Analysis)
        • install the application through adb, run the application on the device, and it
          dumps important information on the sdcard (possibly external SD)
        -This program will parse an AFPhysical nanddump and produce an output
        directory which can be examined on this workstation or loaded into
        your preferred forensics software. It will attempt to create:
        1. dd image (by removing OOB from nanddum)
        2. Carve files from dd image using scalpel
        3. Mount the nanddump file as YAFFS2 (if possible) and copy logical files
        4. Create a file containing all ASCII printable strings in the dd image
        -removes Out-Of-Band (OOB) data out of MTD images.
      • scalpel-android.conf
        • self explanatory... its the scalpel config for Android :)
  • Removed Tools
    • Droidbox
      • too buggy, and threw too many errors. Until they resolve these issues and make it
        fully functional, it will not be included in future releases of OSAF-TK.
  • Upgraded Tools
    • Android SDK has been fully upgraded to the latest version.


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