
compiler options menu in Embarcedaro

  • sydney

    sydney - 2021-02-27

    If I go into tools/compiler options menu and select programs, there is a check box that shows "Add a compiler set by folder". Does this mean that if I downloaded a mingw compiler set and selected the folder from this menu where I installed mingw, then I could select this as a compiler instead of the default, installed compiler?

  • William Fulford

    William Fulford - 2021-03-06

    I 've had so many issues with Dev-C++. When I posted one of them on Stack Overflow a contributor asked "Why are you using Dev-C++?" I'm beginning to ask myself that question.

  • sydney

    sydney - 2021-03-07

    I gave up on this IDE. Now I am using Eclipse!!!!!!

  • Kyle Wheeler

    Kyle Wheeler - 2021-03-09

    are you talking about the latest version of this from EMBT? Post any issues you are having there and we'll take a look.


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