
ORS - On-line Resource Scheduler / News: Recent posts

ORS Wiki Started!

All the quick-start and FAQ documentation has been added to the new ORS Wiki:

Please feel free to add to that documentation as you see fit. This does NOT yet include the "how to create signups"/etc documentation that comes in the "help" folder of ORS, but an industrious individual could add this if s/he wanted to.

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2010-07-31

Version 3.8 Released

After a number of years of hibernation, ORS has been updated with fixes for a number of problems several people have noted. The first and foremost is complete support for PHP Version 5.x. It is now compatible with the "standard" installation flavor of PHP 5 without having to do any changes to the configuration.

We've also fixed a couple of other annoying bugs. See the change notes for all details.

Thanks to Chris Watkins (one of our original developers!) for stepping back in and making this happen plus to Paul Reasenberg for helping to debug and test the PHP 5 fixes.

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2010-07-31

Online Resource Scheduler version 3.6 released

After a long hiatus, a new release (v3.6) of ORS - the Online Resource Scheduler is out.

The look of the user maintenance pages has been improved, the recurring signup feature has been improved, as has been the HELP pages (very significantly). The calendar now offers a horizontal view option (on a site-wide basis). Here is the general list of changes:

* Many misc. bugs fixed including inactivity problems, restore problems
* Horizontal view of weeks and days (vs original vertical view)
* New look to member list - easy links to edit user contact info
* New look and improved operation on user maintenance page
* Bulk Addition of Users feature added
* Resource Warnings and Comments
* Improved support for recurring signups including: comments, start and end times, individually editable signups after another signup is created on same day, fixes to date bugs
* The user-oriented Help pages have been revamped to reflect the new look and functions of the program.

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2005-02-13

ORS 3.5 Pre-Release revised

ORS users - we've just released a new pre-release version of ORS version 3.5. (Pre-release 10) This includes a fix to a pretty significant bug encountered by normal (non-admin) users when ORS is configured to NOT allow regular users to sign up as others. In this scenerio, the users could NOT update their own signups. (Thanks to some on-the-ball users who let us know about this!)

Version 3.5 should be "full release" as soon as we get some more documentation together. ... read more

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2004-06-03

ORS and PHP 4.3.6

With the release of PHP 4.3.6, we found several issues relating to our flat CSV database format. These have been addressed in the current 3.5 Beta release (release 0.8) and will be addressed shortly with a patch to 3.0. Look for these patches in the "Files" section of our SourceForge site.

On a related note, we are just about ready to give Version 3.5 a big hug and send it out into the world to stand on its own. There are so many great new features and improvements, it is hard to know where to start, but the most important thing is that ORS still strives to be a simple, useful resource scheduling tool for small organizations.

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2004-04-30

Online Resource Scheduler (ORS) Version 3.0 Released

Easy to use, simple to set up, and Boat Loads of features! And it's FREE!?!

Yep, the Share-ware Online Resource Scheduler (Share-ware ORS - ) has released version 3.0 and is quickly becoming a popular solution to setting up an on-line resource scheduling system.

Thanks to the large number of people who have given us such great feedback, and the addition of another developer on the project, we've had some nice improvements in the ORS project. Version 3.0 includes the usual bug fixes, stability enhancements and database improvements but also a bunch of new features including, among other things:... read more

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2003-08-21

ORS Next Version Beta Testing

We are in the process of Beta Testing the next release of the Online Resource Scheduler. There are a wide variety of improvements and enhancements to this version (list forthcoming).

If you're interested in trying it out and helping us make sure it is stable before release, drop me a note through

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2003-08-05

Improved Program Configuration

We've just released a new version of the Online Resource Scheduler which now has improved Program Configuration page. The program has many different configuration options and we wanted to make sure all those options were clear. This should make it easier for you to figure out what signup rules you want to enforce on your schedule!

UPGRADING: Turns out upgrading is REALLY EASY, but we've added some information in the installation instructions just to make that clear.

Posted by Jeremy Shaver 2003-03-14