
Installation Problem, probably simple

  • Greg Kettmann

    Greg Kettmann - 2005-10-25

    I'm probably missing something obvious, but... I
    downloaded the zip file to my Windows desktop and
    unzipped into a folder. Then I used SmartFTP to move
    the files to my hosted (Globat) web site into a folder
    called "scheduling" (this happens to be in a folder
    called httpdocs, I don't believe I have permissions for
    the root folder). I go to the web site and click on
    the link to execute. It says installing and verifies
    that PHP is OK (PHP 4.3.6) then thinks for 10 seconds
    or so and says "Problem with file: /data". I looked
    and I have no such file.

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Thank you.

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-10-25

      The problem is most likely that the folder in which the scheduler is being installed (the one containing the "install" folder) needs to be writible by the system. This happens on some unix systems depending on how the server is set up.

      Easiest way to make this happen is to set "world writeable" permissions on this parent folder (I can't tell from your message if that is "httpdocs" or a sub-folder of that - I would make it a subfolder if it were me:


      for example) Temporarily set that folder so that anybody can write to it (you should be able to do this through smartFTP) and then run the installer. That will create the necessary files and folders. Finally, reset the scheduling folder to have you-only write permissions (make sure you don't disable world readable/executable permissions on that folder or the web server won't be able to get into it to "serve" it to web browsers!)


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